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to www.101science.com home page.
Computers reproduce information at almost no cost.
A push is well underway to invent devices that manufacture at almost no cost, by treating atoms discretely, like computers treat bits of information. This would allow automatic construction of consumer goods without traditional labor, like a Xerox machine produces unlimited copies without a human retyping the original information.
Electronics is fueled by miniaturization. Working smaller has led to the tools capable of manipulating individual atoms like the proteins in a potato manipulate the atoms of soil, air and water to make copies of itself.
The shotgun marriage of chemistry and engineering called "Nanotechnology" is ushering in the era of self replicating machinery and self assembling consumer goods made from cheap raw atoms (Drexler, Merkle paraphrased).
Nanotechnology is molecular manufacturing or, more simply, building things one atom or molecule at a time with programmed nanoscopic robot arms. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter (3 - 4 atoms wide). Utilizing the well understood chemical properties of atoms and molecules (how they "stick" together), nanotechnology proposes the construction of novel molecular devices possessing extraordinary properties. The trick is to manipulate atoms individually and place them exactly where needed to produce the desired structure. This ability is almost in our grasp.
The anticipated payoff for mastering this technology is far beyond any human accomplishment so far...
Above is an extract from the introduction of the plenary of Dr. Drexler at the January '96 program of the twenty-ninth annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Maui. (An academic meeting of software and systems scientist.)
The definitive "Text Book" on Molecular Nanotechnology (MNT) is Drexler's -- basically an expanded version of Dr. Drexler's doctoral thesis which earned the first doctorate in molecular nanotechnology from MIT.
: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation
by K. Eric Drexler
A reviewer said:
Nanosystems is needed for all who want to learn about Nano. |
Dr. K. Eric Drexler has once again stunned the Scientific world. His book, "Nanosystems" is the most thorough book on Nanotechnology I have ever read. It was what convinced me to strive to be a NanoRobotic Engineer. Thank you Dr. Drexler. |
Nanotechnology is one of the fastest-growing technology areas ever developed.
If you want to stay on the cutting edge of the latest innovations in nanotech
and MEMS, you should be a subscriber to Nanotech Briefs. This digital magazine
from the publishers of NASA Tech Briefs highlights the best near-term nano and
MEMS technologies developed by government, industry, and university researchers.
These are nanotech and MEMS innovations with real-world applications, developed
for the commercial market.
Delivered six times a year in PDF format directly to your desktop, Nanotech
Briefs tells you about the nanotech market, the industry's major players,
and the potential applications for these revolutionary technologies.
Here's a quick preview of what's featured in the July issue:
Researchers at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley Lab in California
have developed the first nanometer-scale rotational motor -– the smallest
synthetic motor ever created. The nanomotor consists of a nanoelectromechanical
actuator with a rotatable metal plate, and a multi-walled carbon nanotube that
serves as the motion-enabling element. Commercial applications include
everything from automotive and medical devices to environmental detectors,
optical mirrors, and oscillators. At Cornell University's Nanobiotechnology Center in Ithaca,
NY, virus measurement research has reached the "atto" scale. An attogram is
one-thousandth of a nanogram. The researchers used tiny oscillating
cantilevers to detect masses as small as 6 attograms, which is precise
enough to measure the weight of a small virus. The technology eventually
could be used to detect and identify DNA molecules, proteins, and other
biological molecules. If you'd like to find out about other innovations like these, become a
subscriber to Nanotech Briefs at: http://link.abpi.net/l.php?20040713A10
Download a sample issue and subscribe today at: http://www.nanotechbriefs.com
Nanotechnology Links
Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is the postulated ability to
tremendous amounts of material on nanotechnology and its possibilities,
What is NanoTechnology?
[References] What is Nanotechnology? What is Nanotechnology? When
Nanotechnology? When Will Nanotechnology Arrive? The Easy
Home Page of
NanoTechnology Magazine
mentally and financially with NanoTechnology Magazine. NanoResearch -
Description: Site describes what nanotechnology is and some of its potential
uses and implications
Morgan's Nanotechnology Pages
Morgan's Nanotechnology Pages What's New Molecular Nanotechnology
Nanoelectronics and Micromachining Nanotechnology Mailing Lists
Nanotechnology RECENT NEWS: Eric Drexler will keynote the Alcor Life
Description: Former Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Nanotechnology page: brief
introduction to core
1997 Nanotechnology Conference
Map | Search About Foresight | Nanotechnology | Web Enhancement | News |
Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology November 5-8, 1997; Palo
The Nanotechnology (Macro) Book Site
The Nanotechnology (Macro) Book Site Highly Recommended Books - Hand
CDs, Folk Music, Musicals NANOTECHNOLOGY: Core Nanotechnology,
Brad Hein's Nanotechnology Site
Hein's Nanotechnology Site Home Site Map Guide Events Resources Search
Clinton has proposed a National Nanotechnology Initiative with a $497
Web Publishing and Molecular Nanotechnology
Molecular Nanotechnology Web Using the Web to help prepare for
to help prepare for Nanotechnology, tomorrow's molecular manufacturing
Nanotechnology Papers and sci.nanotech archives Introduction to
archives Introduction to Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is a
General Nanotechnology (GN) LLC
Makes Probe 3D and SmartFocus Software: used by major manufacturers in Atomic
Force and Confocal Microscopy systems, and in semi-conductor wafer profiling
equipment. GN's imaging software is useful for SPM and optical microscopy,
including laser and Nipkow disk confocal imaging.
without Genies
Critique of the belief system associated with nanotechnology. (However, much of
it demonstrates a severe failure to understand the arguments of key
nanotechnology advocates.)
NanoTechnology Health -- cryonics
A short discussion of how nanotechnology relates to cryonics.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Computational Nanotechnology
Summary of ongoing research aimed at simulating nanomachines and aspects of
fundamental chemical physics at the molecular scale.
Nanotechnology and Cryonics
An introduction by Jerry Emanuelson of Colorado Futurescience. 3 printed pages.
Nanotechnology Industries
Personal site including current news and directory of links to government,
academic, corporate, and organizations' nanotech news. Includes a publication,
message board, email list, and chatroom.
NAS Computational Molecular Nanotechnology
NASA Ames Research Center's Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility (NAS) lists
goals, activities, and people involved in Nanotechnology projects.
Xerox Nanotechnology Page
One of the best places to start on nanotechnology research, with many annotated
Zyvex: Molecular nanotechnology R&D
First molecular nanotechnology research and development company. Creating
technology for atomically precise manufacturing.
Eurotechnology: Nanotechnology, Nanowires
Advanced nanotechnology reseach and technology: Ultrathin nanowire fabrication,
simulation and visualization of quantum devices
ATOMA - Software for Nanotechnology
Nonprofit, soon to convert into a nanotechnology startup. "Matter will
become Software. Atoma is dedicated to providing tools for Nanotechnology."
Physics News Graphics: Nanotechnology
Classic and new pictures of nanostructures from the American Institute of
Eurotechnology Japan: Nanotechnology, Nanowires
Makes 20 nanometer small wires, works on other advanced nanotechnology projects.
Website slide shows: visualize electron wave propagation through nanodevices,
blue Gallium Nitride light emitters and lasers.
The Problem of Nonsense in Nanotechnology
MNT, being a new, highly interdisciplinary field with revolutionary
implications, is bound to attract more than its fair share of bogosity. Short
paper by K Eric Drexler.
Physik Instrumente (PI) NanoPositioning, Piezo & NanoTechnology
Commercial site: leading edge PZT nanopositioning products, piezo-electric
flexure systems, sub-nanometer resolution capacitive sensors, for AFM, SPM, SNOM,
semiconductor test & measurement, disk drive, GMR. Hexapod systems,
micropositioining stages.
UNBOUNDING THE FUTURE: the Nanotechnology Revolution
The full text on-line of Drexler's "mass market" book about
nanotechnology, written with Chris Peterson and Gayle Pergamit. No cryonics in
this book, but an interesting read.
NanoTechnology Magazine
Monthly news magazine of nanotechnology, the technology which will dominate the
21st Century.
Nanotechnology Magazine
Site describes what nanotechnology is and some of its potential uses and
implications in medicine, computing, space, ecology, politics and war. Magazine
subscription available online.
Xerox/Zyvex Nanotechnology
Former Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Nanotechnology page: brief introduction
to core concepts of molecular nanotechnology (MNT), and links for further
BECON 2000 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium
Aimed at achieving a better understanding, for biologists, of the exciting field
of nanoscience and nanotechnology, identifying possible applications relevant to
biology and medicine, and exploring future research possibilities. June 25-26,
2000, on the NIH main campus in Bethesda, Maryland.
Alexa's Nanotechnology Art
Art related to ideas about nanotechnology.
Centre for Nanotechnology and Microengineering
San Jose Mercury News: Nanotechnology from science fiction to fact
Nanotechnology makes the SchNEWS
Molecular nanotechnology, the science of the very small, could make the current
furore over genetic engineering seem like a storm in a teacup, writes Robin
Green. It's a technology that could radically reshape everyone's lives, and
depending on how it is controlled, could be a powerful tool for corporations and
governments to gain frightening new levels of power and control over ordinary
people's lives - or it could be a startling new tool for liberation.
Challenges of Nanotechnology Misuse Cited in Leslie's 'The End of the World'
From the Foresight Institute (which specialises in nanotechnology).
Children's Space Books and Alexa's Nanotechnology Art
Children's space books from 1800's to present as well as Alexa's art. Site
includes a book database, history, and links to authors, illustrators and space
Nanotechnology is the only realistic solution to these enormous problems facing
humanity today, says Prof. Rick Smalley. Those who are sceptical of
"technological fixes" should still read this - nanotechnology will be
like no other technology the world has known.
Nanotechnology Books
Reviews on Nanotechnology Books written by consumers at Epinions.com.
Transhumanist Socialism
A type of socialism which holds that future transhumanist technologies such as
nanotechnology will make it much more feasible to bring about a truly socialist
world. Comments welcomed.
Seminal paper which argues that nanotechnology projections need to be tempered
by realism about what it will be used for in the hands of corporations and
governments - but that nanotechnology also offers enormous opportunities for the
liberation of humanity.
Remaking the World One Atom at a Time
Simple introduction to nanotechnology from the LA Times.
The Incredible Shrinking World of Eric Drexler
Red Herring magazine: an interview with Eric Drexler, father of nanotechnology.
Informative and entertaining article from August, 1995.
The Foresight Institute
Non-profit institute focused on nanotechnology, the coming ability to build
materials and products with atomic precision, and systems to aid knowledge
exchange and critical discussion, thus improving public and private policy
Replicating Systems
NASA and Self-Replicating Systems: Implications for Nanotechnology.
FET - Future and Emerging Technologies
EU funding agency supporting research of longer term nature with particularly
high risk promising major advantages and industrial or societal impact. FET
pro-active initiatives include Quantum information processing and communication,
Universal information ecosystems and Nanotechnology information devices.
Nanotechnology site en Español.
Brain Death and Technological Change: Personal Identity, Neural Prostheses and
A far-seeing but technical paper by James J. Hughes, prepared for the Second
International Symposium on Brain Death. Date unclear, but 1996 or later.
Includes discussion of cryonics and nanotechnology.
The Center for the Study of Technology and Society - Innovation
Keeping up with technology's developments is central to anticipating its social
effects. This page includes links to news reports on nanotechnology, advanced
computing, space, cryogenics and more.
Year2067.com Emerging Technologies e-Magazine
Futurism & emerging technologies e-magazine focusing on Nanotechnology,
Robotics, Cryonics, Human Genome Project, Virtual Reality & breakthrough
health news.
Nanotechnology Web Pages sponsored by Molecular Manufacturing
Enterprises Incorporated Nanotechnology Links Rebuttal of April 1996
Scientific American article on Nanotechnology "Engines of Creation",
Nanotechnology Industries
science of nanotechnology, solutions for the future." Pick up the January
Description: Personal site including current news and directory of links to
government, academic.
SciCentral: Best Nanotechnology Online Resources
Engineering Sciences Nanotechnology Comprehensive Directories Specialized
Discussion Groups Search SciCentral Nanotechnology Industries Sean
1999 Nanotechnology Conference
EL.B.A. - Foresight Conference on Nanotechnology April 14-16, 1999; Rome,
and Papers Satellite Meeting: Nanotechnology and Industrial Development
Nanotechnology in Science Fiction Home Page
Page. THE Bibliography of Nanotechnology in Science Fiction. N-SF
Rating System Non-fiction books on nanotechnology Short Stories or
Nanotechnology Conference
Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology SUMMARY: The conference is now
Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology was held November 9-11,
Yahoo! Science:Nanotechnology
Email Home > Science > Nanotechnology all of Yahoo! just this
(5) Research (13) Usenet (2) Nanotechnology - provides a brief
Nanotechnology Mailing Lists
Nanotechnology Mailing Lists -- Table of Contents Cryonics Extropians
(MicroSystems Technology Net) Nanotechnology in Science Fiction (N-SF)
Partnership in Nanotechnology: Synthesis, Processing, and Utilization
Nanotechnology News Workshops on Nanotechnology List of Future
10, 1998, Rosslyn, Virginia. Nanotechnology Conference for the Soldier