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Amateur Radio www.101science.com
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INTRODUCTION:  (What is ham radio?, License Study Guides)
ADVANCED: Advanced Technology In Amateur Radio (Mr. Douglas T. Smith, QEX Editor)
ANTENNAS:  (Wavelength Calculator, Links and information)
BASIC ELECTRONICS:  for radio amateurs
RADIO OPERATIONS:  (See listed subjects below.)
(Download software or use online JAVA calculators)

Page 2 Index:   8. Hombrewing (Build you own equipment)   9. MARS    10. Equipment for sale    11. Antennas  12. LINKS  13. Scanner  14. CB    15. Short Wave Radio Listening    16. QRP    17. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 18. Amateur Radio Links - WWW   

How to navigate 101science.com

FIRST, SEARCH 101science.com pages:

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THEN: VERY IMPORTANT!! Use you browser's "Find on this page" capability to search for words on a page.  
Usually Ctrl + F wi
ll work.

NOTE:  The following WWW links on this page will take you directly to the various web site pages.  Your browser URL address line will tell you the origin of the site.

INTRODUCTION: You can learn more about amateur radio at the American Radio Relay League web site.   Want to know what this HAM radio stuff is all about in plain language? Then be sure to check the GETTING STARTED page.  It includes information on how to become an FCC  licensed amateur radio operator.  For specific licensing information click HERE.  Amateur radio as a hobby has many different aspects.  This is one of the things that makes amateur radio so wonderful.  There are a variety of activities for everyone; men, women, and boys and girls. 

Guide to New Amateur Radio Operators - What do hams do? By eHam:
Beginners Guide to Amateur Radio http://www.irony.com/ham-howto.html
Amateur RF Safety DATA http://n5xu.ae.utexas.edu/rfsafety/
What is Amateur Radio?  http://www.columbia.edu/~fuat/cuarc/arrl-hampromo.html
Get involved with your local amateur radio club.  
That is a great way to lean more about amateur radio.
If you are in Canada, find a club near you.
If you are in the USA, find a club near you.
If you are in Finland, find a club near you.
Amateur Radio Enclopedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amateur_radio
Operating Aids http://ac6v.com/opaids.htm
It has never been easier to get a HAM license.  
Just study the question pools and take sample tests.  
When you are ready for the real thing find a local radio club that gives the real FCC test. 

For Some practice sample tests, check out http://www.qrz.com/testing.html".  

Question pools:  http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/pools.html


Another Practice Exam:  http://www.aa9pw.com/


Sweet Haven has a complete and free basic electronics course:
 - click> basic electronics tutorialhttp://www.sweethaven.com/acee/forms/toc01.htm
One of the BEST Online Basic Electronics Courses!
- click> http://www.electronics2000.com/basics/basics.html
Computer based training - Ham Test Online:  http://www.hamtestonline.com
Take the real test at a location near you. 

Find out where at this page: EXAM TEST SITES:  http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/examsearch.phtml


The alphabet in Morse code:    http://www.morsecode.dutch.nl/alphabet.html
Download and Install "MorseCat" to learn Morse code:  morsct10.zip

NOTE: When you first run the MorseCat program be sure to read the help file by pressing HELP

then the "Overview". Also, on the program you will see "New Characters" followed by some random letters. 

Click on these letters one at a time to learn them. 

You will see the letter and hear what it sounds like in Morse code.

SuperMorse - A Morse code learning program
Click to download. Each set is a Zipped text file containing 100 QSO`s
Set 1 (7K) Typical real Morse code conversations
Set 2
(7K) Typical real Morse code conversations
Download "Supermorse" (200K) The Program file
Supermorse is a Morse Code tutoring program that generates random letters,

or allows you to "play" a text file as Morse Code. This is the latest version.
Click here for a guide on using Supermorse
Information you need to know about using Morse Code: http://ac6v.com/morseaids.htm#INT
Morse code Links:  http://www.morsecode.dutch.nl/cwlinks.html

RADIO OPERATION:  After you get your FCC amateur radio license

you will need some equipment.  While the best way to get started is to build your

first station however many operators buy everything.  What radio should you buy? 

Click HERE for some more ARRL help. There are the five major equipment

manufacturers of amateur radio equipment:  

Alinco - www.alinco.com
Icom - www.icomamerica.com  
Kenwood - www.kenwood.com
Ten-Tec - www.tentec.com
Yaesu - www.yaesu.com

Equipment from any of the major manufactures will meet your needs but go to your local ham radio dealer and try them out.  Good dealers will have new equipment set up and running so you can twist the dials and try the various features live for yourself.  Check out your local amateur radio clubs and ask other hams what equipment they are using and why they chose it and how they like it.  You can also check back issues of QST for equipment reviews.  Click HERE for list of ARRL QST equipment reviews.

Emergency Portable Station

It is important to have a back up station ready for portable/mobile/or remote use.  The picture below illustrates only one possible way to configure your station for immediate portable use. This station has a built in AC power supply, power pole strip, antenna tuner, HF through 2 meters, digital modem, etc. I use it everyday as my regular station so I know it is all working and ready to go.  On the left side are antenna connectors so it is fast and easy to disconnect.  If I want to use battery power it is simply a matter of connecting a battery to the power pole strip also on the left side.  The left side also has a switched AC power strip, all ready to go.  The drawer at the bottom holds paper, pencils, radio manuals, and small 12 volt lights.  

Great ham radio sites:

eHam  http://www.eham.net
ARRL http://www.arrl.org
QSL  http://www.qsl.net
W5YI http://www.w5yi.org
WIA Wireless Institute of Australia
RNARS Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society
ITTU International Telecommunication Union
QRZ http://www.qrz.com
HRO http://www.hamradio.com/
Ham Radio Online http://www.hamradio-online.com/
AC6V DX Ham Radio Reference: http://www.ac6v.com/
Q-SIGNAL  http://ac6v.com/Qsignals.htm

National Simplex Frequencies:

6 meters     	52.525
2 meters    	146.520 (Monitor for emergency and severe weather traffic)
1 1/4 meters    	223.500
70 cm		446.000

Advanced Technology in Amateur Radio

Douglas T. SmithMr. Douglas T. Smith

Mr. Douglas T. Smith, editor of QEX magazine, presented a detailed lecture at Georgia Technical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia on March 10, 2003.  See the full hour and fifty minute lecture here.  Learn about the latest in DSP technology, digital radio, digital voice, and much more.  


Advanced Technology in Amateur Radio - Video
Windows Media Streaming    

Download the video - 
Lowest resolution  QEX_LO.zip ~42 M   

In the best spirit of amateur radio, the producer and speaker grant parties the right to publicly show the video, but only  when money is not charged to view it and not for broadcast.  All other rights to the copyrighted material are retained.   


ANTENNA - wavelength calculator.
Enter operating frequency and then click the full wavelength (WL) or 1/2 or 1/4 wavelength button to see the antenna length required.



= ft. (or inches.)

Free JavaScripts provided
by The JavaScript Source

Antenna Links

Antenna Topics
Cubicle Quad Antenna Calculator
: determine dimensional quantities

Antennas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antenna_(electronics)
The Antenna Elmer By AC3L & N3LSS 
Antenna Topics From G3YCC 

ARRL Antenna Projects Web Page
Antennas A Bunch 
Practical Antenna Notes
Antenna Application Notes 
Antenna Design and Software 
N4UJW Antenna Design Lab 
W8JI Antenna Articles 
Antenna & Propagation http://www.sss-mag.com/swindexa.html
50 ohms versus 75 ohms in antenna cable
A+ Excellent Antenna Informational Site by L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
AM/FM/SW active antenna
Antenna Information
Antenna Information & Physics
Antenna System Evaluator
Attic Antenna 
Build A 2M J Pole 
Build a Yagi-Uda Antenna
Cubical Quad Antenna Calculator
Emergency Antennas  
Five Band Qubical Quad  
HAM antenna documents and programs (Slow loading)
Jim's Notebook - interesting and useful antenna data, techniques, hints
J-Pole antenna for the Ramsey FM10a in GIF format
- tuned for 89 MHz
KB0YKI's Antennas 
Long Loopstick Antenna - improve AM radio reception
Mac Antenna Master Software

Radiation impedances of wire and rod antennas
Rubber Duck Antennas

Super-J Collinear 
SWR Article Explains SWR
SWR Bridge with LED's

Antenna Modeling Site - http://www.cebik.com/radio.html

Swiss Antenna site - Very interesting - http://home.datacomm.ch/hb9abx/ham-brew.htm

US Navy Antenna Field Guide http://www.armymars.net/ArmyMARS/Antennas/Resources/usmc-antenna-hb.pdf


The genetic algorithm Yagi antenna optimizer:  ygo.zip
Helical Antenna Design:  helical.exe
A computerized Smith Chart:  rfc16pro.zip


Be sure to check the software section #3 for antenna design software you can download.

BASIC ELECTRONICS - for radio amateurs

Amateur radio operators must understand basic electronics.  The more you understand about basic electricity and basic electronics the more fun you will have.

First; get a good understanding of basic electricity.  When you have a good background in electricity you can move on to learning about electronics.  Electronics puts a knowledge electricity to useful work.  Electronics applies electrical current flow to circuits that include current and voltage amplifiers.  The amplifiers can be constructed from glass "tubes" containing metal elements, or  transistors, or integrated circuits.   A circuit containing wire conductors, resistors, capacitors, inductors and amplifiers can be configured in many ways to build various electronic circuits like oscillators, digital logic circuits, computer circuits, and much more.  An oscillator by the way is just an amplifier with some of the output fed back into the input.  Sounds like a perpetual motion machine but it isn't as the amplifiers power supply is providing the additional energy that is lost in the circuit.


Free Basic Electronics Course at 101science.com

Basic Electronics FREE Tutorial - http://www.tpub.com/neets/
Lessons on Electric DC Circuits http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/electricCircuits/DC/index.html
Lessons on AC Circuits  http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/electricCircuits/AC/index.html
The Learning Path: Electronics  http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci517758,00.html
Basic Concepts of Electronics  http://library.thinkquest.org/16497/basic/index.html
Basic Electrical Theory  http://www.elec-toolbox.com/theory.htm
Sweet Haven has a complete and free basic electronics course:
 - click> basic electronics tutorialhttp://www.sweethaven.com/acee/forms/toc01.htm
Hugh List of Electronics Tutorials - Various Areas of Interest!

Epanorama Basic Electronics http://www.epanorama.net/links/basics.html

101science.com  full page of Electronic Tutorial LInks  

101science.com electronics links page

NEW and EXCELLENT! EE Theorems and Formulas  http://www.bowest.com.au/library.html

Index of Calculators, Charts, and Diagrams: http://www.electronics-tutorials.com/basics/toroidcharts_mcq.htm


See our full 101science.com electronics page.

Basic Electronics FREE Tutorial -http://www.tpub.com/neets/book1/chapter1/index.htm
Lessons on Electric DC Circuits http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/electricCircuits/DC/index.html
Lessons on AC Circuits  http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/electricCircuits/AC/index.html
The Learning Path: Electronics  http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci517758,00.html
Basic Concepts of Electronics  http://library.thinkquest.org/16497/basic/index.html
Basic Electrical Theory  http://www.elec-toolbox.com/theory.htm
Sweet Haven has a complete and free basic electronics course:
 - click> basic electronics tutorialhttp://www.sweethaven.com/acee/forms/toc01.htm
Hugh List of Electronics Tutorials - Various Areas of Interest!

101science.com  full page of Electronic Tutorial LInks  

101science.com electronics links page

101science.com RADIO Electronics Page

NEW!  The Best Electronics Books - New Page
These are the highest rated books electronics books on Amazon.com


Loggers : DX4Win, Logger, SwissLog, AC Log, Prolog2k, Lux-Log, EasyLog

- DX atlases & clock : DX Atlas 1.2, DXView, Iridium, GeoClock


Best APRS Position and Tracking web site is at aprsworld.net.  http://aprsworld.net/

Database Search

Individual Station


APRSworld.net is operated by James Jefferson Jarvis.  Help him keep this service free.

Or you can send a him cash, check, money order, or whatever to:
aprsworld.net donation
C/O James Jefferson Jarvis
518 Hayward Ave
Ames, IA 50014

APRS - Automatic Positiong and Reporting System
http://www.cave.org/aprs/aprswhat.html (Site explains briefly what APRS is.)
Detailed paper by Bob Bruninga inventor of APRS http://web.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/APRS-docs/APRS.TXT
APRS Tracking Page on the internet - U FIND -                    http://www.wulfden.org/APRSTracking.shtml

APRS Info Look-up boxes

Track, Location, Current Position and Messaging of APRS Stations

Location(s) of call       

Wildcard permitted (Example: N2YQT*)

View track for call      

Use specific CALL-SSID (no wildcard)

Messages from/to call 

Use specific CALL-SSID (no wildcard)
Find APRS Stations in vicinity of:

 By callsign:                

Use specific CALL-SSID (no wildcard)

 By zipcode (US only):

APRS Weather Stations: View Weather Data - Use specific CALL-SSID (no wildcard)

 Table summary   from call   for the last hours

 Graphic summary from call for the last hours

 Plot Station on Radar         Leave blank for defualt.

Find APRS Weather Stations in the vicinity of

 By Call

 By zip code (US only)

APRS INFO   http://nwaprs.org/aprsinfo.htm#whatisaprs
APRS TIER 2 INTERNET SERVER LIST http://www.aprs2.net/

UI-VIEW http://www.apritch.myby.co.uk/uiv32.htm
Note: Be sure to download the National Weather Service county map shapes

so you will have NWS alerts and warnings show up on your APRS maps in real time!
Listen to an interview of Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, Author of APRS.

TAPR APRS MicEncoder Kit
PC APRS Documentation
Look at ftp.tapr.org/aprssig area
Latest palmAPRS software
Latest Waypoint software
Latest APRSPLUS software
Latest javAPRS software
Listen and view a Presentation on APRS by Mike Heskett, WB5QLD
Bob Bruninga's APRS web page
Steve Dimse's javAPRS web page
Mac and Win APRS Web page
WinAPRS File Download Page.
Latest WinAPRS software
Latest MacAPRS software
APRS+SA Street Atlas 
Latest APRSdos software
Use this page to update APRS Digi Frequency Information
View Jeff Brenton, KA9VNV, APRS web page (Excellent!)
Listen to 1997 ARRL/TAPR DCC National APRS Symposium
WA4DSY Atlanta APRS Server (contains javAPRS applets)
APRS/HAM RADIO Standard Connectors
Florida APRS
Lesson Learned by the Hartford Marathon APRS Group
APRS FAQ web page
Latest javAPRS software

GPS Links

GPS Information Links (EXCELLANT!)
A GPS User Manual
What can you do with a GPS and why would you want one?
Joe Mehaffey and Jack Yeazel's GPS Information Website
Des Newman's OziExplorer Page

GPS Maps for Recreation and Travel
-  free maps for outdoor activities
Garmin - GPS manufacturer

Public NIMA GEOnet names server databases

The International GPS Waypoint Registry

Convert Degrees, Minutes, Seconds to degrees and decimal minutes:  CONVERT

Other lat lon conversions:

Mathematical Process for Converting Latitude/Longitude Coordinates:

1) Convert Degrees Minutes Seconds to Degrees Decimal Minutes  (45°22'38" --> 45°22.6333')
- Divide Seconds by 60 to get Decimal Minutes (38/60=.6333)
- Add Decimal Minutes to Minutes to get Decimal Minutes (22+.6333=22.6333)
- Answer is then 45°22'38" = 45° 22.6333'

2) Convert Degrees and Decimal Minutes to get Decimal degrees  (45° 22.6333 --> 45.3772)
- Divide Decimal Minutes by 60 to get .d (22.6333/60=.3772)
- Add Degrees to Decimal Minutes to get Decimal Minutes (45+.3772=45.3772)
- Answer is then 45° 22.6333 = 45.3772°

3) Convert Decimal Degrees to get Degrees and Decimal Minutes --> DM.m  (45.3772 --> 45°22.6333)
- Multiply Decimal Degrees by 60 to get Decimal Minutes (.3772*60=22.6333)
- Answer is then 45° 22.6333'

4) Convert Degrees and Decimal Minutes to get Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (45°22.6333 --> 45°22'38") 
- Multiply Decimal Minutes by 60 to get S(.6333*60=38)
- Answer is then 45° 22' 38" 

LAT/LON CONVERSION PAGE - Don't want to do the math?  Try this page.

  Garmin GPS V Deluxe  with NEMA connector for APRS
Full turn-by-turn navgation and built-in
maps and waypoints and comes with map 
software.  Recalculates if you miss a

turn.  New LOW cost.  Small enough

for your pocket.

GPS    HP Z3801A

How to set up an HP Z3801A GPS Satellite Receiver as a Station Time and Frequency Standard

After purchasing a surplus HP Z3801A, it was a challenge getting it to work. Below is a short checklist of steps that will get your Z2801A running fast.  I had to learn the hard way and you can now take advantage of this information.

1.  You must convert the RS-422 output to RS-232 in order for your computer to talk to the receiver.  You can find excellent instructions here. http://www.ad6a.com/Z3801A.html  Make your own RS-232 cable using only the three pins in the instructions.  Do not try to use a ready made cable or commercial converters - they won't work.  The RX and TX connection must be reversed on the PC side so be sure to follow the pin-outs carefully. 

2.  You must have a stable 48 volt DC 1A metered power supply.  It would be helpful to be able to crank the voltage up to 50 volts initially while the oscillator oven warms up.  When the current draw drops to around .4 amps you can then set the voltage as close to 48 volts as possible.  The power connector on the rear of the receiver has the positive voltage connection on the top.

3.  Connect your new RS-232 cable to the receiver and computer Serial COM port.  Set the computers COM port to:  19200 Baud, Data Bits 7, Stop bit 1, Parity to ODD, No flow Control.  Download the free SatStat program.  HP Satstat software.  Set the software's COM setting as stated above using the appropriate COM port. Set the LAT and LONG as close as you can to your current location.  This is VERY important.  Otherwise it may take the receiver hours or more likely days to derive this information from the satellites.  Remember this is relatively old GPS technology and the reason the unit is surplus.  Set the software to the SURVEY mode.  Go away for a couple hours and let the receiver do it's thing.  You can find the information on all these steps in the software help files.  Also be sure to read all the information here.  http://www.realhamradio.com/GPS_Frequency_Standard.htm

4.  If you finally get a green GPS lock light your done.  Just let the receiver stabilize for several days.  You really should get the professional software from Dave, AD6a http://www.realhamradio.com/gpscon.htm  It is not free but it will make running your receiver a FUN project.

5.  When your finished, take a look at my receivers output and compare it with yours.  They should be similar.  http://www.101science.com/gpsstat.htm  The graph show the oscillator correction voltage, the map shows the current GPS satellites being tracked, and the other panel technical data about the receiver.

Notes:  See, nothing to it.  I played with the receiver for weeks (well, I confess, months) until I finally decided to try the RS-232 connector conversion.  Prior to that time I thought I could get it running by just turning it on so I could use the 10 Mhz output.  But it never got a GPS lock and the oscillator will drift without GPS corrections. So much for the easy way - didn't work.  You must do the conversion and load the software to get it to work.


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- Signal processing : Spectrum Laboratory, AVS Audio utilities, Easygram, Hamscope, FFTDSPWinTone decoder

- K1BV Awards directory, list over 3000 awards

- Belgian-P10, the 10 belgian provinces

- BCA-castels, 132 belgian castels

- Castels of France, 2642 castels, DFCF and other related awards

- CEA, the 45 countries members of the Council of Europe

- DCI, 104 italian castels counting for the DCI award (e.g. CN-040, etc)

- EA-islands, 446 spanish islands (e.g. ISN 01-1-1, etc)

- EWWA, 326 entities members (there are light differences with DXCC !)

- France-dept, the 22 departments of France

- IIA-islands, 789 italian islands

- IOTA, link to RSGB's IOTA home page

- IOTA, 1192  islands on the air (e.g. EU-xxx, etc)

- IOCA, 231 croatian islands (e.g. CI-xxx, etc)

- Map of Japan districts (J0 to J9)

- JCC-JCG, all japanese prefectures, cities and guns

- LGT-WLH, list about 1000 lighthouses from WLH, the only one official for DX-peditions

- LGT-ARLHS, list about 6000 worldwide lighthouses sorted by country, 344 KB .exe file to extract.

- WABA, over 130 callsigns used by Antarctic bases

- RU-oblast, 92 russian oblasts (territories) with a commentary about Russian callsigns

- RU-robinson, 159 islands groups members of the Russian Robinson

- US-Counties, 3095 US counties and 418 counties inspired by Native American subjects





DOWNLOAD THE ARRL MOVIE, "Amateur Radio Today".  Narrated by former CBS news anchorman Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD, Amateur Radio Today showcases the public service contributions made by hams throughout the country. 
(copyright ARRL 2003, Link Permission granted by ARRL, 3/28/03, not for broadcast.)

Latest Ham Radio NEWS from ARRL Newsletters
  - www.arrl.org/awards
Q Signal list. Click HERE. -

W1AW  http://www.arrl.org/w1aw/ 



What modes can I use on what frequencies?  
Answer: Check the IARU Band Plan: IARU Region 1 BandPlan

Frequency Allocation charts http://www.ntia.doc.gov/osmhome/allochrt.html

ARRL Band Plans
Frequency Allocations.
SPECTRUM:  Printable Amateur Radio Frequency Spectrum Chart:

IARU version of the individual band plans are presented as separate pages for the greater convenience of users. The individual plans are for 50-52 MHz, 70-70.5 MHz, 144-146 MHz, 430-440 MHz, 1240-1300 MHz, 2300-2450 MHz, 3400-3475 MHz, 5650-5850 MHz, 10.0-10.5 GHz, 24.0-24.5 GHz, 47.0-47.2 GHz

  • Medium Frequency (MF) (0.3 to 3 MHz)

    • 160 meters (1.8 - 2.0 MHz)

  • High Frequency (HF) (3 to 30 MHz)

    • 80 meters (3.5 - 4.0 MHz)

    • 60 meters (five channels: 5.332, 5.348, 5.368, 5.373, 5.405 MHz)

    • 40 meters (7.0 - 7.3 MHz)

    • 30 meters (10.1 - 10.15 MHz)

    • 20 meters (14.0 - 14.35 MHz)

    • 17 meters (18.068-18.168 MHz)

    • 15 meters (21.000-21.450 MHz)

    • 12 meters (24.890-24.990 MHz)

    • 10 meters (28.0 - 29.7 MHz)

  • Very High Frequency (VHF) (30 to 300 Mhz)

    • 6 meters (50 - 54 MHz)

    • 2 meters (144 - 148 MHz)

    • 1.25 meters (222 - 225 MHz)

  • Ultra High Frequency (UHF) (300 MHz to 3 GHz)

    • 70 centimeters (420 - 450 MHz)

    • 33 centimeters (902 - 928 MHz)

    • 23 centimeters (1240 - 1300 MHz)  

  • Click the band plan you would like information on.
    (Includes band simplex frequencies you can use.)

Frequency Allocation Chart to Download and Print - PDF: http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/regulations/Hambands_color.pdf
More Charts http://www.ntia.doc.gov/osmhome/allochrt.html
International Radio Contacts http://www.iaru.org/iaru-soc.html
AC6V Links:  http://ac6v.com/callfreq.htm
Beacons http://ac6v.com/beacons.htm


The new five-channel 60-meter amateur allocation becomes available to US Amateur Radio operators at midnight (12:00 AM) local time on July 3. The local time designation means that amateurs in the US territory of Guam likely will be the first to get a crack at the new band. 

The FCC has granted amateurs use of five 2.8 kHz-wide channels with center frequencies of 5332, 5348, 5368, 5373 and 5405 kHz. The channels will be available to General and higher class licensees. The only permitted mode will be upper-sideband USB phone, and 50 W ERP is the maximum power allowed.  Users of the 60-meter channels should set their carrier frequency1.5 kHz lower than the channel center frequency. ARRL suggests restricting transmitted audio bandwidth to 200 Hz on the low end and2800 Hz on the high end for a total bandwidth of 2.6 kHz. ARRL recommends that amateurs considering modifying existing amateur equipment for operation on 60 meters contact the equipment's manufacturer for advice.  

Get more details on how to operate correctly on these new frequencies from Mr. Doug Smith's site at http://www.doug-smith.net/sixty.htm

FM Voice Simplex Operation

10 METERS  (29 Mhz band )

29.600 Mhz is the National FM simplex frequency on this band. Some FM simplex operation also occurs on 29.500 Mhz.


6 METERS  (50-54 Mhz band)

52.525 Mhz is the National  FM simplex frequency on 6 meters.  52.490 and 52.510 Mhz are also used. Other FM simplex activity occurs in the 51.100 to 52.000 Mhz range. 

2 METERS  (144-148 Mhz)

146.520 Mhz is the National  FM simplex calling frequency. The following  voice FM simplex frequencies are used on 2 meters,  based on a 15Khz  frequency spacing matrix.: *146.400, 146.415, *146.430, 146.445, *146.460, 146.475, 146.490, 146.505, 146.520, 146.535,  146.550 , 146.565 and 146.580 Mhz.  147.420,  147.435, 147.450, 147.465, 147.480, 147.495, 147.510, 147. 525, 147.540,  147.555 and 147.570 Mhz are also used.

Notes:  1) The above listed FM simplex frequencies are on a 15 Khz matrix, which is the closest spacing recommended when FM radio transmitters  are set with a maximum  audio deviation of 5.0 Khz. Operation on frequencies with a  closer spacing  than 15 Khz will cause adjacent channel interference problems with the frequencies on each side.  Interference will be caused by operation on the 5 Khz and 10 Khz channels between the above listed simplex frequencies or near to repeater inputs or outputs.

 2) * 146.400 (optional input for 147.00), 146.430 (input for 147.030) and 146.460 (input for 147.060)  are sometimes used as inputs to 147.000, 147.030 and 147.060 Mhz repeaters instead of the frequency 600 Khz above the repeater output. Be sure and check for local repeater input use of these frequencies before operating  FM simplex on these frequencies in  the State of Minnesota.

 3) Digital modes (Packet radio) should not use the FM voice simplex  frequencies listed above as wider spacing (20 Khz recommended) is needed between adjacent frequencies for packet radio use.   A  20 Khz  spacing  matrix  of frequencies near to 145.010 Mhz and 145.610  Mhz is available for packet..

 222 Mhz   (222-224 Mhz, sometimes called 1  1/4 meter band)

222.350 Mhz is the National FM simplex calling frequency. A 20 Khz spacing matrix is used on this band.  Other frequencies in the 223.600 to 223.850 Mhz range are also used for  FM simplex.

 440 Mhz  (420-450 Mhz, sometimes called 70 cm band)

446.000 Mhz is the National FM simplex calling frequency. A 25 Khz spacing matrix is used on this band. Because of the short range of FM simplex  on 440 Mhz, no other  simplex frequencies are specifically identified  on this band. .  If duplex cross-banding is to be done on  the 440 Mhz band, the frequencies of 445.975 and 446.025 Mhz are recommended for such operations in Minnesota.  The use of other  445 and 446 Mhz  frequencies is not recommended as these frequencies  are used quite extensively in Minnesota for Auxiliary  or Control Links for the repeater and remote base systems now in operation


900 Mhz   FM Simplex identified in the 927.00 to 928.00 Mhz range but no specific calling channel is identified.

1.2 Ghz   .  1294.50 Mhz is the National FM calling frequency on this band.

 1294.00 to 1295.000 Mhz  is identified as  the FM Simplex operation area in this band.

Links from http://www.astrosurf.com/lombry/qsl-download.htm

- International institutions : IARU, ITU, CEPT, ERO, European Union

- National IARU societies : link to IARU, includes contacts and complete coordinates

- CEPT administrations : link to CEPT,  includes contacts and complete coordinates

- The Electromagnetic spectrum, from 31.2 mHz to 6.52 EHz, poster designed by Anthony Tekatch

- HFbands, band plan of all HF frequencies assigned to each mode to Region 1 Europe (graphical & tabular forms)

- BandsPlan, detailled frequencies allocation from 0.150 to 250 GHz

- Frequencies, frequencies allocation from 27.5 - 960 MHz to each 3 Regions.

- QRP frequencies, list HF frequencies used for QRP activities

- Beacons, International HF beacons


Dx Cluster Nodes Worldwide> DX Packet Cluster Nodes

- Callsigns, callsigns range allocated to each ITU country

- CQzones, list all 40 zones and concerned entities (DXCC)

- DXNet, the main DX networks working in HF bands with time and frequencies

- DXCC, list all countries, ITU and CQ zones, Timezones, QSL buros and more

- Famous hams, list callsigns of some celebrities

- ITUzones, list all 90 zones defined by ITU

- MostWantedDX, the "most wanted" countries









ARRL 2003 Handbook






A reader from Stone Mountain, GA USA
This is the best ever issue of the annual ARRL Handbook. With more projects to complete at home than in many years. DSP is also covered in more depth than ever. Get up to date on the latest, keep fresh on the past, and have fun with amateur radio with your new 2003 ARRL Handbook.  






ARRL Operating Manual, 7th Ed.

QEX -- Forum for Communications Experimenters
Subscribe Today!


Doug Smith, KF6DX

Managing Editor:

Bob Schetgen, KU7G

Assistant Editor:

Lori Weinberg

Contributing Editors:

Zack Lau, W1VT
Ray Mack, WD5IFS


See our Ham Radio " Book Sale" Page.

CALL SIGN look-up  

NORMAL - Enter a call sign to find a name/address. (http://www.buck.com/cgi-bin/do_hamcall

REVERSE - Name Search (reverse)   Enter a name to find an amateur call sign

MORE - Call Sign Look-up Boxes

e-QSL CARD Information


This Week's Contests by WA7BNM
WA7BNM's 13-Month Contest Calendar
VK4DX Contest Calendar
NG3K Contesting Resources and Information
SK3BG Contest Site
LA9HW HF Contest Calendar
ARRL Contest Branch
The ARRL Contester's Rate Sheet (current issue)
ARRL Contest Calendar
Contesting.info [English] [Spanish]
World RTTY Contest Scene
Log due dates for


The alphabet in Morse code:    http://www.morsecode.dutch.nl/alphabet.html
Download and Install "MorseCat" to learn Morse code:  morsct10.zip

NOTE: When you first run the MorseCat program be sure to read the help file by pressing HELP then the "Overview". Also, on the program you will see "New Characters" followed by some random letters.  Click on these letters one at a time to learn them.  You will see the letter and hear what it sounds like in Morse code.

SuperMorse - A Morse code learning program
Click to download. Each set is a Zipped text file containing 100 QSO`s
Set 1 (7K) Typical real Morse code conversations
Set 2
(7K) Typical real Morse code conversations
Download "Supermorse" (200K) The Program file
Supermorse is a Morse Code tutoring program that generates random letters, or allows you to "play" a text file as Morse Code. This is the latest version.
Click here for a guide on using Supermorse
Information you need to know about using Morse Code: http://ac6v.com/morseaids.htm#INT
Morse code Links:  http://www.morsecode.dutch.nl/cwlinks.html















































































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CW traffic handling: The prosign AA separates the parts of the address. BT separates the adress from the text and the text from the signature. AR marks end of message; this is followed by B if there is another message to follow, by N if this is the only or last message. It is customary to copy the preamble, parts of the address, text and signature on separate lines.

General CW abbreviations

73--Best Regards
88--Hugs and Kisses
AA--All after
AB--All before
AAA--a period. 
AR--End of this transmission
AS --means wait one please
BCNU--Be Seeing You
BK--Break, Back ("I'm back now" or "Back to you")
BT--a pause
CL--Clear (end of all transmissions)
CLR--Clear (usually a description of the weather)
CQ--Calling any station
CU--See you
CUL--See You Later
FB--Fine Business (good, excellent, OK)
GA--Good Afternoon, Go Ahead
GB--Good Bye, God Bless
GE--Good Evening
GL--Good Luck
GM--Good Morning
HI--Telegraphic Laughing
HR--Here, Hear
HW--How (or "How copy?")
K--I'm done, your turn
KA--Begining of message
KN--I'm done, but only you (callsign given) come back to me.
NR--Near, Number
O--zero (or sometimes a very long DAH)
OM--Old Man
R--Roger/OK/Yes or sometimes are
RR--All received OK
SK--End of all transmissions
TNX, TKS--Thanks
TU--Thank You
UR--Your, You Are
WA--Word After
WB--Word before
WL--Well, will, we'll
YL--Girlfriend ("Young Lady")

A Beginners Guide http://home.earthlink.net/~k7bfl/cwguide.html

Traffic Nets http://www.qsl.net/n5lf/cw-nts.html

Tips for Learning CW
W9EM's suggestions & links
A Beginner's Guide to Making CW Contacts
N0HFF: The Art & Skill of Radio-Telegraphy

Software & More
Morse Academy 
CW Midi 
The Mill 
More software 


 A popular mode (type of transmission) is analog Slow scan TV (SSTV) and can be found most active on the amateur radio 20 meter band at 14.230 MHz.  Licensed amateur radio operators transmit and receive high quality color pictures.  All you need to receive SSTV is a computer, high frequency receiver, and special software such as MMSSTV. You can download the free software at:
MSSTV http://www.qsl.net/mmhamsoft/mmsstv/index.htm freeware SSTV software.
MMSSTV Freeware Download: mstv msstv mmstv http://www.qsl.net/mmhamsoft/mmsstv/index.htm
View MMSTV Help Online
Quick Start for MMSSTV Graphics

Also try SILICON PIXEL'S  http://www.barberdsp.com/ web site.   
Nice SSTV site: http://www.sstvham.com Larry Bush, W5NCD

What is SSTV?  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSTV

Analog and digital SSTV Information and Links http://www.kiva.net/~djones/

SSTV Nets & Frequencies:

IVCA Net - 1500 Z Saturdays - 14.230 MHz
List of SSTV Nets & Frequencies
List of SSTV Frequencies by Dave K3ASI
List of SSTV Frequencies by Carolyn N8ST
List of SSTV Frequencies by BUX CommCo
List of SSTV Frequencies by Kingston ARC
Southern Indiana Slow Scan Net at 8 pm EST - 146.490 MHz
40 Meter Slow Scan Net at Noon ET - 7173 KHz
80 Meter Slow Scan Net at 1 pm ET - 3854 KHz
Central Ohio 1st Sunday 7 pm & 1st Monday 8:30 pm ET by Doug N8TUT
OH-KY-IN ARS First Wed. at 7:30 pm ET - 146.670 MHz Repeater by Harry WA8LOJ
Puerto Rico 10:30 UTC 3.920 MHz by Al KP3A
Mulvane, KS Sun 2:30 pm & Hutchinson, KS Sun 4 pm CT by Bob N4BM
Brampton, ON Tuesday 8 pm VE3PRC 443.550 Rptr Peel ARC by Falk VE3GNS
Cleveland, OH Saturday 10 pm 146.88 Rptr. Lake Erie ARA
Cleveland, OH Saturday 10 pm 146.88 Rptr. Lake Erie ARA
Sunset Ridge, CA Sunday 7:30 pm 146.700 Rptr. InlandARS by Frank KF6HQC
Vancouver, WA Sunday Night Digital VHF/UHF Net by Marv WA7MLD
GREAT LAKES SSTV NET Saturday 9 pm ET 144.175 MHz USB by Ralph WB8DQT
Joplin MO SSTV net Wednesday 147.210+ MHz 7:30 pm CT by JC K5DMI

SSTV now comes in two flavors old Analog and new Digital - See the DIGITAL section below.




Digital Modes Overview http://home.teleport.com/~nb6z/about.htm

MixW - Best Do Everything Digital Program is called MixW:  http://www.mixw.net/

MIXW2 ...... Ver 2.12  Multimode software by Nick UT2UZ &  Dennis UU9JD All dll's included
MixW215......Ver. 2.15 

MixW seconday download page: http://www.nvbb.net/~jaffejim/downloads.htm

MixW Undocking windows :"MixW sample" 

MixW - Samples of digital signals.  To play just double click the file.  To download right mouse click and select: Save Target As..








More Digital Modes Samples Sounds http://www.kb9ukd.com/digital/

More sounds : http://rover.vistecprivat.de/~signals/DIG_intro.htm

More more sounds: http://det.bi.ehu.es/~jtpjatae/sound.html

MIXW2 ...... Ver 2.12  Multimode software by Nick UT2UZ &  Dennis UU9JD All dll's included
MIXW2.......Ver 2.14 By Nick & Dennis. Latest  Release on 22nd Dec  2004

DIGITAL Ham Radio Page http://home.teleport.com/~nb6z/about.htm


The new wave in sending and receiving images is DIGITAL.  Images are not painted on the screen like analog SSTV but are sent as a digital file.  Errors are automatically corrected if possible and high quality color images are the result. Transmit any digital file with Digtrx.

Download your FREE copy here.



Check 14.233 mHz for digital video traffic.

Digital SSTV Nets & Frequencies

* * * * * * * * * 2 meters: (FM) Every day 7 am EST 144.340 MHz IN/OH W9NTP & W8ZCF Every day 6 pm EST 145.470 MHz IN Vevay Digital SSTV RPTR NG9Y Bob Every day 7:30 pm ET 146.475 MHz IN Indianapolis IN W9VMT Every day 9:00 pm CT 147.240 MHz TX Waco RPTR W5NCD Larry Every day 145.555 MHz TX Temple Sunday 9:00 pm PT 144.270 MHz WA Vancouver (USB) WA7MLD Marv M/W/F 7:30 am EST 144.955 MHz IN Indianapolis N9AMR Tom Tu/Th 8 pm CT 144.150 MHz MS Coldwater K8FA Art Thursday 7:30 pm EST 146.970 MHz IN Indianapolis RPTR (temp off) Thursday 8 pm EST 146.490 MHz IN Bedford KB4YZ Dave

* * * * * * * * * 6 meters: (USB) "MAGIC BAND" Every day 7:30 pm ET 50.325 MHz GA - KR4I Roger Sunday 9:00 pm PT 50.680 MHz WA Vancouver (USB) WA7MLD Marv M/W/F 8 pm CT 50.300 MHz MS Coldwater K8FA Art 

* * * * * * * * * 17 meters: (USB) Every day 13:00 UTC 18.1625 MHz TX Waca W5NCD Larry Every day 13:00 UTC 18.157 MHz IN Indianapolis N9JRI Mike

 * * * * * * * * * 20 meters: (USB) Every day 14.233 MHz 20 Meter Band Digital SSTV Call Freq. Every day 14.240 MHz Australia Every day 14.320 MHz TX Waco (AOR) W5NCD Larry Tuesday 18:00 UTC 14.236 MHz CO Denver W0LMD Robert 

* * * * * * * * * 40 meters: (LSB) Every day 17:30 UTC 7228 KHz NE US KB1HJ Wayne Weekdays noon ET 7173 KHz Midwest US KB4YZ Dave Weekdays 3:30 pm CT 7153 KHz TX W5FJS Wayne Sunday 10 am CT 7153 KHz TX W5FJS Wayne

 * * * * * * * * * 75/80 meters: (LSB) Every day 10 am ET 3860 KHz Eastern US KB1HJ Wayne Every day 7:30 am ET 3857 KHz Eastern US KC3AF Skip Every day 7:30 am ET 3872.5 KHz IN IL WB9F Larry

 * * * * * * * * * 160 meters: (LSB) Tu+Th 7:30 pm CT 1884 KHz TX W5FJS Wayne



The Airmail Home Page
SetSail.com - the serious cruising sailor's website
Short: AirMail Forms creator program Author: toysoft@spots.ab.ca
AirMail NTSD

Packet Radio

TAPR http://www.tapr.org/tapr/html/pktf.html
INTRODUCTION TO PACKET RADIO http://www.choisser.com/packet/
Packet http://www.qsl.net/n9zia/
Packet Radio Nets http://www.choisser.com/hamradio/packet.html
Packet Radio Training Course http://www.rain.org/~jkrigbam/packet.htm
Packet Links http://www.panix.com/clay/ham/packet.html
More Packet Links http://www.csun.edu/~vfeen0br/johnpage/pack.html
Packet By Soundcard - Amtor, etc For MARS Operators (and anyone else)

PSK 31 

 What frequencies can I use PSK 31 on?

7035.15 for region 1 and region 3, and 7080.15 for region 2 *
21080.150 (although most activity can be found 10 kHz lower)

* This is due to the fact that the 7 MHz band is much wider in region 2 (the Americas), and the IARU bandplan reflects this.

PSK 31 What is it anyway?  More information on PSK 31.
PSK 31 Download the PSK 31 software here for your particular platform, i.e. Windows, Mac, etc.
PSK 31  More PSK 31 links.
What is PSK 31? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSK31

DIGIPAN - A great PSK-31 windows program

PSK31 (BPSK and QPSK, see  PSK31 Home Page )
RTTY (HamScope uses Makoto Mori's  MMTTY  Engine)
ASCII (both 7 bit and 8 bit protocols using MMTTY)
MFSK16 (see  MFSK16 Home Page )

PSK31 frequencies - G3PLX suggests using USB on all bands.
7035.15    (for region 1 and region 3, and 7080.15 for region 2 *)
21080.150   (although most activity can be found 10 kHz lower)

  Band             PSK31        RTTY              ASCII           MFSK            CW

160 M           1.81215         1.812             1.812            1.812            1.800
80   M           3.58015         3.580             3.580            3.580            3.500  
40   M           7.07015         7.080             7.080            7.073            7.000
30   M           10.13715      10.130           10.130          10.130          10.100
20   M           14.07015      14.080           14.080          14.073          14.000
17   M           18.10015      18.100           18.100          18.104          18.068
15   M           21.07015      21.080           21.080          21.073          21.000
12   M           24.925          24.920           24.920          24.925          24.890
10   M           28.12015      28.080            28.080          28.073          28.000

Frequencies often used for all Digital Modes

Is is proposed, hereafter, for information, a none exhaustive list of the frequencies (in Khz) used for the modes proposed by MULTIPSK, for the LF, SW, VHF bands (based in general on IARU region 1).

1838, 3580, 7035, 10140, 14070, 18100, 21080, 24920, 28070, 28120, 50000, 144000 (144605 in France and 144144 in Italy).

PSK10, PSKFEC31, PSK63F, PSKAM10/31/50 (USB)
It is proposed to use the ones given above for BPSK31 and QPSK31 modes.

Around 21115-21119 Khz, are realized DX QSO in PSKFEC31 (at, preferably, 15h00 UTC). 

14072.5 - 14080 Khz. It is recommended to use fixed frequencies multiple of 100 Hz: 14072.5, 14072.6, 14072.7... For that, the user sets his/her transceiver on 14072 Khz in USB and operates on 500, 600, 700,..., 2400 or 2500 Hz... on the spectrum.

135.7-137.8, 1810-1838, 3500-3580, 7000-7035, 10100-10140, 14000-14070, 18068-18100, 21000-21080, 21120-21149, 24890-24920, 28000-28050, 28150-28190, 50000-50100, 144000-144150 (call on 144050 or 144060)

It is suggested to choose for CCW which is a QRP mode, the following frequencies: 
1844, 3561, 7031, 10107, 14061, 21061, 24907, 28061 Khz USB (QRP frequencies + 1KHz). 

1838, 3580, 7037, 10147, 14080, 18105, 21080, 24929, 28080 Khz
Note: for SSTV in MFSK16, it is not, in general, authorized the transmission of a mix of text and pictures because the authorized frequencies, for these modes (MFSK16 / SSTV), are different.

MT63 (USB)
1822, 1838, 3580, 3590, 3635, 7035, 7037, 10140, 10145, 14106, 14109, 14114, 18100, 18105, 21130, 24925, 28130 Khz

RTTY 45 bauds (Ham) and ASCII 110 bauds (Ham) (LSB)
1838-1842, 3580-3600, 7035-7045, 10140-10150, 14070-14099, 18100-18109, 21080-21120, 24920-24929, 28050-28150, 50100-50500, 144600, 144800-144990

RTTY 50 bauds (commercial) (USB, examples)
85 Hz shift: DDH47 (20 kW) on 147.3 Khz
450 Hz shift: DDK2 (1 kW) on 4583 Khz and DDK9 (10 kW) on 10100.8 Khz

425 Hz shift: Hambourg Meteo on 4583 Khz

RTTY 75 bauds (commercial) (USB, example)
425 Hz shift: Bracknell meteo on 4489 KHz

Same frequencies as for RTTY 45 bauds (Ham), in particular around 14075 KHz.

SITOR A (ARQ) or SITOR B (FEC) (commercial) (USB, examples)
4210-4218, 6314-6329, 12579-12646

NAVTEX (commercial) (USB, examples)
The NAVTEX frequencies are 518 et 490 Khz. The user will set their transceiver on USB at 517 or 489 Khz. The transmissions are done at fixed time, for example for NITON (GB): 7h00 and 19h00 UTC on 518 Khz in english, 5h20 and 17h20 on 490 Khz in english, 7h10 and 19h10 on 490 Khz in french.


3580, 7035, 10135, 14063, 21063 and 28063 KHz

3730 (LSB), 7035 (LSB), 14230 (USB), 21340 (USB), 28680 (USB), 144500 (FM)

HF Fax (Ham) (USB)
3730-3740, 7035-7045, 14230, 21340, 28680, 50550, 144700 KHz

HF Fax (commercial) (USB, 120 lpm, examples)
Hambourg Meteo on 3855, 7880 Khz
Bracknell Meteo on 2618,5, 4610, 4782, 8040 Khz
- - - -

HAMSCOPE: http://www.qsl.net/hamscope/
HamScope is a multi-mode communications package for amateur radio
Download HamScope
Download English help files for HamScope 
Engine required for Hamscope
Radio teletype decoder for your PC (Freeware)
MMTTY Help Information
MMTTY Help Download

MixW2 PSK31 + Other Modes w/Sound Card
PSK31 Information Page
About Sound Card Based Packet

MIXW2 ...... Ver 2.12  Multimode software by Nick UT2UZ &  Dennis UU9JD All dll's included
MIXW2.......Ver 2.14 By Nick & Dennis. Latest  Release on 22nd Dec  2004


Earth-Moon-Earth transmissions are possible but require a lot of work, time and effort and large antennas.  

Earth-Moon-Earth Communication -- From W6/PA0ZN
MoonBounce (EME) * Weak Signal * Astrophotography
-- From AF9Y
Moonbounce(EME)from Svalbard -- From JWŘBY
Moonbounce Operating Tips
-- From W7GJ
Moon Bounce & Meteor Scatter
FFTDSP Weak Signal Detection Software http://www.af9y.com/radio10.htm

Amateur Radio Astronomy http://www.bambi.net/sara/why.htm

The Jove Project
is a wonderful NASA sponsored program to put radio-Jupiter in the classroom. A must visit!
Voyager Planetary Science Info (Great for Teachers).
University of Florida Radio Observatory Jupiter sound files and prediction tables.
Advice from the Univ. of Florida about receiving Jupiter.
JPL Radio Observation of Comet Shoemaker-Levy press release.
Another Jupiter recording, this one at a John Kraus site. 


Download the compete 2007 Field Day information package.  Everthing you need to know about participating in field Day is in this package.  http://www.arrl.org/contests/forms/fd-2007-packet.pdf


FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS) - Amateur Radio License Renewal, Update, Search, etc. 

FCC Main Web Site - http://www.fcc.gov
FCC Part 97 Amateur Radio Rules
VE Manual  W5YI
Part 97 Rules & Regs -- On-Line Text -- from Ham Radio On Line
ARRL RESTRUCTURING PAGE - www.arrl.org/news/restructuring/
VANITY CALLSIGNS:  http://wireless.fcc.gov/services/amateur/callsigns/vanity/faq.html



IRLP.NET http://www.irlp.net/
Internet Radio Linking Project
IRPL NODES WORLDWIDE http://www.ipass.net/jimprice/irlp/
IRLP Operating guidelines http://www.kwarc.org/irlp/
IRLP Operating guidelines http://www.yodeler.myftpsite.net/vhara/docs/IRLP-Guidelines.PDF
IRLP on eHam  http://www.eham.net/newham/irlp
IRLP Reflectors http://irlp.g4eid.co.uk/status/all_reflectors.html
WA2DCI http://wa2dci.com/irlp.html
WA2DCI Node List Status http://wa2dci.com/status.php
IRLP Myths http://www.jbo.com.au/~vk2yx/myths.htm
IRLP Skywarn Net http://www.qsl.net/sflskywarn/
Why is IRLP different? http://www.ve3sy.com/irlp/whyIRLP.htm
Using IRLP Reflectors http://www.winsystem.org/irlp.html
Nevada IRLP http://www.narri.org/IRLP.html
Node Map - North America http://www.ipass.net/jimprice/irlp/namap.html
Node 2870 Operating Guide http://yodeler.myftpsite.net/vhara/irlpinfo.htm
W4DOC IRLP Notes http://www.w4doc.org/arc/irlp.html


What is Echolink? http://www.echolink.org/
Message Board http://www.echolinker.com/
Download http://www.synergenics.com/el/register_data.asp
Server List http://home.insightbb.com/~n9yty/
Boards http://www.ilinkboards.com/echolink.html
Node Map http://www.echolinkmap.org/
Status http://wa2dci.com/echo_status.php
eHam http://www.eham.net/articles/4989
Master Repeater List http://home.insightbb.com/~n9yty/rptrcall.html
Echolink DX http://www.astrosurf.com/lombry/qsl-echolink.htm
Audio Issues http://www.echolink.org/el/faq_audio.htm


High frequency (HF) radio communications depends upon propagation that is related to sun spot activity.   Get the best HF propagation software available for FREE by downloading HFWIN16 or HFWIN32 HERE (VOACAP).  (http://elbert.its.bldrdoc.gov/hf.html)  The program of primary interest to you is VOACAP.  To find out your exact transmitting latitude and longitude and that of the receiving station of interest just enter the callsigns into Buckmaster. (http://www.buck.com/cgi-bin/do_hamcall)  The location information is near the middle of the page.  Current and past solar data including Sun Spot Numbers (SSN) ARE needed for propagation analysis.  A daily sun spot report from www.sunspotcycle.com.  Also check the NOAA SPACE WEATHER OUTLOOK ADVISORIES  for latest radio blackout reports. Now you have all the information needed to run a quality point-to-point propagation analysis between any two points on earth for any frequency and any dates.  VOACAP is a large program and very sophisticated.   It will take you awhile to setup the program and get familiar with the parameters.   It is fairly easy however and within a few minutes you will be viewing color graphs of various propagation probabilities between your two points of interest. Also, be sure to print a copy of the UTC time conversion chart to help you convert UTC time to your local time zone to help you read and interpret the propagation graphs.  ( My favorite is the MUFday graph.)  

Here is N6RT's (http://dx.qsl.net/propagation/) wonderful propagation page with enough propagation information to keep you busy studying for hours.

SOURCE OF SOLAR SUNSPOT NUMBERS AND k INDEX http://www.wm7d.net/hamradio/solar/index.shtml

Best ham radio propagation program - free - W6ELProp,

Hourly Prediction Charts Online:  http://www.ips.gov.au/asfc/usa_hf/

Solar X-rays:
Geomagnetic Field:



WM7D dot Net

Current Solar Image
from SOHO
Current Solar Flux report:
Check here>: WM7D dot Net



ARRL Repeater Guide & TravelPlus for Repeaters CD-ROM
K1IW Amateur Repeater Websearch -- Search By City or Long/Lat
RepeaterLink.Org -- search for linked Repeater Systems in your area,
Interstate Highway Repeater Maps -- Canada Too -- From VE3AYR
Appalachian Trail 2 Meter Repeater Guide -- Via By Kathy Bilton
Repeater Band Plans
-- From SERA
Hamfest Listing - http://www.hamsrus.com/ushamfests.html
AM Radio 3885 khz AM by SouthEastern AM Radio Club
Southeastern AM Radio Club, Clem, GA 

(SAMRC) http://home.bellsouth.net/p/s/community.dll?ep=16&groupid=31530&ck=


Time and Frequency stations:  http://ac6v.com/standard.htm

TVI and Noise

Noise and Interference Manual http://www.web-ee.com/primers/files/DesignSem3.pdf

Television Interference
Ofcom Website | Television & Radio Interference
Interference from Amateur and Other Hobby Radio to
Television Interference
Ham Radio Jargon, Abbreviations and Terminology
[PDF] Interference from CB and Amateur TransmittersInterference Problems?
Grounding Systems for Amateur Radio Stations
Amateur Radio SS Page -- RF and Spread Spectrum for Radio Amateurs

Cable TVI Pt 1/7
John Owen's Homepage
JavaScript Collection
The DXZone.com - Ham Radio guide
Amateur Radio And DX Reference Guide
M0SBF / G8SBF UK Amateur Radio Station Antennas, Aerials
Notes for visiting Amateurs

Traffic Nets http://www.qsl.net/n5lf/cw-nts.html
CW Traffic “Netiquette"
"Why CW?" essay from Mich. Net
NTS Methods & Practices



A Journey of Nothing But Funhttp://www.arrl.org/news/features/2003/06/19/1/?nc=1

Call for Youth Input http://ema.arrl.org/article.php?op=Print&sid=166

Morse Code and More: http://www2.arrl.org/news/features/2003/07/24/1/

Youth Related Information: http://www.remote.arrl.org/youth.html

Teen Hams http://www.youthtech.com/hamradio/
Youth Radio Clubs http://www.ac6v.com/scouts.htm
Ham Radio for Kids http://www.kidshamradio.com/index.html


Amateur Radio Shareware and Info Files

Antenna Programs
Amateur Radio Artwork
Rig Control Programs
Misc Demo Programs
Amateur Radio Test Programs (US)
Technical Data/Files
Logbook Programs
Linux - QRZ CDROM Lookup for Linux
Macintosh Programs
Misc Programs
Radio Modification Files
Morse Code Programs
Packet Radio Programs
Reference Material
Satellite Programs and Files
Scanner Radio Programs
Slow Scan TV Programs
Utility Programs
TigerTronics Products http://www.tigertronics.com/
Spectrum FFT Analysis DQA.ZIP (540 Kbytes)
Other Ham Software http://www.tigertronics.com/sl_soft.htm
YPLOG Logging Software  http://www.qsl.net/ve6yp/
QSL Maker Software http://hfradio.org/wb8rcr/QSLMaker.html
MMAMA Antenna Analyzer  MMANA072E.exe -
MMAMA website http://www.qsl.net/mmhamsoft/mmana/index.htm
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Semi-conductor DATA SHEETS
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