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Would you like to know everything about mathematics? 

Do you think that is impossible?  It isn't if you are willing to read and study many books and videos.  You can't learn everything from formal school class lectures - they can't allow time for the information to be competely absorbed. With books and videos at home you can go at your pace.  The bulk of your mathematics learning will come from reading, working problems, and studying various books and videos on your own.  And you can do this at your convenience.  Since there is no pressure, you can learn without stress.  You can learn mathematics by studying the information on this web page and in the many wonderful books and multimedia materials. Great for homeschoolers and brick and mortar school students. You can go slow with books, and videos can be paused at any time.


But... let's start at the beginning and work our way up through the various areas of math.  We need a good foundation of each area to build upon for the next level.


















































































































































































































The above math tables are available as a printable Word document.



  1. Basic Addition
  2. Addition 2
  3. Level 2 Addition
  4. Addition 3
  5. Addition 4
  6. Basic Subtraction
  7. Subtraction 2
  8. Subtraction 3: Introduction to Borrowing or Regrouping
  9. Alternate mental subtraction method
  10. Level 4 Subtraction
  11. Why borrowing works
  12. Adding Decimals
  13. Subtracting decimals
  14. Basic Multiplication
  15. Multiplication 2: The Multiplication Tables
  16. Multiplication 3: 10,11,12 times tables
  17. Multiplication 4: 2-digit times 1-digit number
  18. Multiplication 5: 2-digit times a 2-digit number
  19. Multiplication 6: Multiple Digit Numbers
  20. Multiplication 7: Old video giving more examples
  21. Mulitplication 8: Multiplying decimals (Old video)
  22. Lattice Multiplication
  23. Why Lattice Multiplication Works
  24. Division 1
  25. Division 2
  26. Division 3: More long division and remainder examples
  27. Level 4 division
  28. Converting fractions to decimals
  29. Percent and decimals
  30. Dividing decimal
  31. Ordering numeric expressions
  32. Greatest Common Divisor
  33. Least Common Multiple
  34. Equivalent fractions
  35. Mixed numbers and improper fractions

Developmental Math

  1. Place Value 1
  2. Place Value 2
  3. Place Value 3
  4. Rounding Whole Numbers 1
  5. Rounding Whole Numbers 2
  6. Rounding Whole Numbers 3
  7. Comparing Whole Numbers
  8. Comparing Whole Numbers 2
  9. Comparing Whole Numbers 3
  10. Adding Whole Numbers and Applications 1
  11. Adding Whole Numbers and Applications 2
  12. Adding Whole Numbers and Applications 3
  13. Adding Whole Numbers and Applications 3
  14. Rounding to Estimate Differences
  15. Rounding to Estimate Sums
  16. Rounding to Estimate Sums 2
  17. Multiplying Whole Numbers and Applications 1
  18. Multiplying Whole Numbers and Applications 2
  19. Multiplying Whole Numbers and Applications 3
  20. Multiplying Whole Numbers and Applications 4
  21. Multiplying Whole Numbers and Applications 5
  22. Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 1
  23. Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 2
  24. Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 3
  25. Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 4
  26. Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 5
  27. Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications 6
  28. Properties of Whole Numbers
  29. Identity Property of 1
  30. Commutative Law of Addition
  31. Commutative Law of Multiplication
  32. Associative Law of Addition
  33. Associative Law of Multiplication
  34. The Distributive Property
  35. The Distributive Property 2
  36. Understanding Exponents
  37. Understanding Exponents 2
  38. Understanding Square Roots
  39. Order of Operations
  40. Order of Operations 2
  41. Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction
  42. Identifying Fraction Parts
  43. Proper and Improper Fractions
  44. Changing a Mixed Number to an Improper Fraction
  45. Changing an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number
  46. Recognizing Divisibility
  47. Finding Factors of a Number
  48. Prime Factorization
  49. Equivalent Fractions
  50. Fractions in lowest terms
  51. Comparing Fractions
  52. Comparing Fractions 2
  53. Multiplying Fractions
  54. Multiplying Mixed Numbers
  55. Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  56. Multiplying Fractions Word Problem
  57. Reciprocal of a Mixed Number
  58. Dividing Fractions
  59. Dividing Mixed Numbers
  60. Dividing Mixed Numbers and Fractions
  61. Dividing Fractions Word Problem
  62. Adding Fractions with Like Denominators
  63. Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators
  64. Adding Mixed Numbers
  65. Adding Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators
  66. Adding Mixed Numbers Word Problem
  67. Subtracting Fractions
  68. Subtracting Mixed Numbers
  69. Subtracting Mixed Numbers 2
  70. Subtracting Mixed Numbers Word Problem
  71. Decimal Place Value
  72. Decimal Place Value 2
  73. Decimals and Fractions
  74. Comparing Decimals
  75. Rounding Decimals
  76. Adding Decimals
  77. Subtracting Decimals
  78. Subtracting Decimals Word Problem
  79. Multiplying Decimals
  80. Multiplying Decimals 2
  81. Dividing Decimals
  82. Dividing Decimals 2
  83. Dividing Decimals 2.1
  84. Mulitplyling Decimals 3
  85. Estimation with Decimals
  86. Ratios as Fractions in Simplest Form
  87. Simplifying Rates and Ratios
  88. Finding Unit Rates
  89. Finding Unit Prices
  90. Understanding Proportions
  91. Find an Unknown in a Proportion
  92. Find an Unknown in a Proportion 2
  93. Describing the Meaning of Percent
  94. Describing the Meaning of Percent 2
  95. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction
  96. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction 2
  97. Solving Percent Problems
  98. Solving Percent Problems 2
  99. Solving Percent Problems 3
  100. Converting Yards into Inches
  101. Adding different units of length
  102. Converting units of length
  103. Converting pounds to ounces
  104. Adding different units for weight
  105. Application problems involving units of weight
  106. Converting Gallons to quarts pints and cups
  107. Performing arithmetic calculations on units of volume
  108. Solving application problems involving units of volume
  109. U.S. Customary and Metric units
  110. Conversion between metric units
  111. Converting within the metric system
  112. Applying the Metric System
  113. Comparing Celsius and Farenheit temperature scales
  114. Converting Farenheit to Celsius

The WWW links on this site will take you directly to the various web site pages.  Your browser URL address line will tell you the origin of the site.

MATH FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KIDS http://www.teachrkids.com/

Elementary School Math  - 101science.com - WWW Links page.

                All About Arithmetic
               All About Fractions

Reduce Fractions - Java http://www.mathepower.com/english/bruchkur.php
                                   Reduce Fractions with Excel http://www.mrexcel.com/tip039.shtml

                All About Percent and Ratios

                All About Measurements

                All About Equations

Equations - how to solve
Factors - essential basics
Graphs - basic essentials
Measurement - from mm to m³


   Mathmastery www.mathmastery.comwww.mathmastery.com

   Teach Kinds Math  http://www




Algebra - 101science.com - WWW Links page.

Geometry - 101science.com - WWW Links page.

Trigonometry  - 101science.com - WWW Links page.

WHAT IS TRIGONOMETRY?  http://fergusmurray.members.beeb.net/trig.htm

Calculus - 101science.com - WWW Links page.

Laboratory Manual for Calculus (With Mathcad sheets.)

Probability and Statistics - 101science.com - WWW Links page.

Mathematical Ideas in Science - MATH - 7 Stones 

Explore Math http://www.exploremath.com/

Plus Math http://plus.maths.org/

Algebra - basic essentials
Equations - how to solve
Factors - essential basics
Graphs - basic essentials
Measurement - from mm to m³
Percentage - helping you achieve 100%
Prime numbers - talk about odd!
Standard Form - scientifically speaking

 Basic Math
· Everyday Math
· Pre-Algebra
· Algebra
· Geometry
· Trigonometry
· Statistics
· Calculus
· Advanced Topics
· Others


Geometry Center: Triangle Tilings and Polyhedra

Geometry Formulas Geometry Formulas

Make-a-Fractal Make a Fractal

Math Software Downloads: http://www.numericalmathematics.com/numerical_solutions.htm

Math Software - Top 100 Programs - http://softbase.150m.com/top40.html

Mathematics: A Human Endeavor:
A book for Those Who Think They Don't Like The Subject.


  1. Adding/Subtracting negative numbers
  2. Multiplying and dividing negative numbers
  3. Adding and subtracting fractions
  4. Multiplying fractions
  5. Dividing fractions
  6. Introduction to Order of Operations
  7. More Complicated Order of Operations Example
  8. Level 1 Exponents
  9. Level 2 Exponents
  10. Level 3 exponents
  11. Negative Exponent Intuition
  12. Exponent Rules Part 1
  13. Exponent Rules Part 2
  14. Simplifying radicals
  15. Introduction to Logarithms
  16. Unit conversion
  17. Speed translation
  18. Introduction to logarithm properties
  19. Introduction to logarithm properties (part 2)
  20. Scientific Notation
  21. Scientific Notation Examples
  22. Introduction to Ratios (new HD version)
  23. Unit Conversion Example: Drug Dosage


  1. Simple Equations
  2. Equations 2
  3. Equations 3
  4. Algebra: Linear Equations 4
  5. Algebra: Solving Inequalities
  6. Algebra: graphing lines 1
  7. Algebra: Slope and Y-intercept intuition
  8. Algebra: Slope
  9. Algebra: Slope 2
  10. Algebra: Slope 3
  11. Algebra: Equation of a line
  12. Slope and Y-intercept Intuition
  13. Averages
  14. Integer sums
  15. Taking percentages
  16. Growing by a percentage
  17. Another Percent Word Problem
  18. More percent problems
  19. systems of equations
  20. Introduction to Ratios (new HD version)
  21. Ratio problem with basic algebra (new HD)
  22. More advanced ratio problem--with Algebra (HD version)
  23. Alternate Solution to Ratio Problem (HD Version)
  24. Introduction to Ratios
  25. Advanced ratio problems
  26. Age word problems 1
  27. Age word problems 2
  28. Age word problems 3
  29. Level 1 multiplying expressions
  30. Solving a quadratic by factoring
  31. i and Imaginary numbers
  32. Complex Numbers (part 1)
  33. Complex Numbers (part 2)
  34. Introduction to the quadratic equation
  35. Quadratic Equation part 2
  36. Completing the square
  37. Quadratic Formula (proof)
  38. Quadratic Inequalities
  39. Quadratic Inequalities (Visual Explanation)
  40. Introduction to functions
  41. Functions Part 2
  42. Functions (Part III)
  43. Functions (part 4)
  44. Domain of a function
  45. Proof: log a + log b = log ab
  46. Proof: A(log B) = log (B^A), log A - log B = log (A/B)
  47. Proof: log_a (B) = (log_x (B))/(log_x (A))
  48. Algebraic Long Division
  49. Introduction to Conic Sections
  50. Conic Sections: Intro to Circles
  51. Conic Sections: Intro to Ellipses
  52. Conic Sections: Intro to Hyperbolas
  53. Conic Sections: Hyperbolas 2
  54. Conic Sections: Hyperbolas 3
  55. Identifying Conics 1
  56. Identifying Conics 2
  57. Conic Identification 3
  58. Foci of an Ellipse
  59. Foci of a Hyperbola
  60. Proof: Hyperbola Foci
  61. Partial Fraction Expansion 1
  62. Partial Fraction Expansion 2
  63. Partial Fraction Expansion 3
  64. Parabola Focus and Directrix 1
  65. Focus and Directrix of a Parabola 2
  66. Two Passing Bicycles Word Problem
  67. Passed Bike Word Problem
  68. Passing Trains
  69. Overtaking Word Problem
  70. Early Train Word Problem
  71. Officer on Horseback
  72. Rational Inequalities
  73. Rational Inequalities 2
  74. Interesting Polynomial Coefficient Problem
  75. Geometric series sum to figure out mortgage payments
  76. Introduction to Function Inverses
  77. Function Inverse Example 1
  78. Function Inverses Example 2
  79. Function Inverses Example 3

Algebra I Worked Examples

  1. Solving Equations 1
  2. Solving Equations 2
  3. Solving Equations with the Distributive Property
  4. Solving equations with the distributive property 2
  5. Algebraic Word Problem
  6. Sum of Consecutive Odd Integers
  7. Example of Solving for a Variable
  8. Solving for a Variable 2
  9. Absolute Value 1
  10. Absolute Value and Number Lines
  11. Absolute Value Equations 1
  12. Absolute Value Equation Example 2
  13. Patterns in Sequences 1
  14. Patterns in Sequences 2
  15. Equations of Sequence Patterns
  16. Finding the 100th Term in a Sequence
  17. Functional Relationships 1
  18. Testing if a relationship is a function
  19. Domain and Range 1
  20. Domain and Range 2
  21. Direct Variation 1
  22. Basic Rate Problem
  23. Basic Linear Function
  24. Exploring linear relationships
  25. Recognizing Linear Functions
  26. Exploring nonlinear relationships
  27. Slope of a line
  28. Slope Example
  29. X and Y intercepts
  30. X and Y intercepts 2
  31. Graphing a line in slope intercept form
  32. Equation of a line
  33. Converting to slope-intercept form
  34. Point-slope and standard form
  35. Parallel Lines
  36. Parallel Lines 2
  37. Parallel lines 3
  38. Perpendicular Lines
  39. Perpendicular lines 2
  40. Interpreting Inequalities
  41. Solving Inequalities
  42. Inequalities
  43. Absolute value inequalities
  44. Absolute Inequalities 2
  45. Absolute value inequalities 3
  46. Writing and using inequalities
  47. Writing and using inequalities 2
  48. Writing and using inequalities 3
  49. Solving and graphing linear inequalities in two variables
  50. Graphing linear inequalities in two variables
  51. Graphing linear inequalities in two variables
  52. Solving systems by graphing
  53. Solving systems by graphing 2
  54. Solving systems by graphing 3
  55. Solving systems by substitution 1
  56. Solving systems by substitution 2
  57. Solving systems by substitution 3
  58. Solving systems by elimination
  59. Solving systems by elimination 2
  60. Solving systems by elimination 3
  61. Systems and rate problems
  62. Systems and rate problems 2
  63. Systems and rate problems 3
  64. Mixture problems 1
  65. Mixture problems 2
  66. Mixture problems 3
  67. Graphing systems of inequalities
  68. Graphing systems of inequalities 2
  69. Graphing systems of inequalities 3
  70. Exponent Rules 1
  71. Exponent Rules 2
  72. Exponent Rules 3
  73. Scientific notation 1
  74. Scientific notation 2
  75. Scientific notation 3
  76. Simplifying Expressions with Exponents
  77. Simplifying Expressions with Exponents 2
  78. Simplifying Expressions with Exponents 3
  79. Pythagorean Theorem 1
  80. Pythagorean Theorem 2
  81. Simplifying Radical Expressions 1
  82. Simplifying Radical Expressions 2
  83. Simplifying Radical Expressions 3
  84. Solving Radical Equations 1
  85. Solving Radical Equations 2
  86. Solving Radical Equations 3
  87. Applying Radical Equations 1
  88. Applying Radical Equations 2
  89. Applying Radical Equations 3
  90. Fractional Exponent Expressions 1
  91. Fractional Exponent Expressions 2
  92. Multiplying and Dividing Monomials 1
  93. Multiplying and Dividing Monomials 2
  94. Multiplying and Dividing Monomials 3
  95. Polynomials 1
  96. Polynomials 2
  97. Adding and Subtracting Polynomials 1
  98. Adding and Subtracting Polynomials 2
  99. Adding and Subtracting Polynomials 3
  100. Multiplying Polynomials 1
  101. Multiplying Polynomials 2
  102. Multiplying Polynomials 3
  103. Special Products of Polynomials 1
  104. Special Products of Polynomials 2
  105. U08_L2_T4_we3 Special Products of Polynomials 3
  106. Bay Area CBS Station with Salman Khan
  107. Factoring and the Distributive Property
  108. Factoring and the Distributive Property 2
  109. Factoring and the Distributive Property 3
  110. Factoring Trinomials by Grouping 1
  111. Factoring Trinomials by Grouping 2
  112. U09_L1_T2_we3 Factoring Trinomials by Grouping 3
  113. Factoring Trinomials by Grouping 4
  114. Factoring Trinomials by Grouping 5
  115. Factoring Trinomials by Grouping 6
  116. U09_L2_T1_we1 Factoring Special Products 1
  117. Factoring Special Products 2
  118. U09_L2_T1_we3 Factoring Special Products 3
  119. Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring.avi
  120. Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 2.avi
  121. Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring 3.avi
  122. Quadratic Functions 1
  123. Quadratic Functions 2
  124. Quadratic Functions 3
  125. Completing the Square 1
  126. Completing the Square 2
  127. Completing the Square 3
  128. Completing the Square 4
  129. Quadratic Formula 1
  130. Quadratic Formula 2
  131. Quadratic Formula 3
  132. Applying Quadratic Functions 1
  133. Applying Quadratic Functions 2
  134. Applying Quadratic Functions 3
  135. Non-Linear Systems of Equations 1
  136. Non-Linear Systems of Equations 2
  137. Non-Linear Systems of Equations 3
  138. Simplifying Rational Expressions 1
  139. Simplifying Rational Expressions 2
  140. Simplifying Rational Expressions 3
  141. Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions 1
  142. Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions 2
  143. Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions 3
  144. Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions 1
  145. Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions 2
  146. Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions 3
  147. Solving Rational Equations 1
  148. Solving Rational Equations 2
  149. Solving Rational Equations 3
  150. Applying Rational Equations 1
  151. Applying Rational Equations 1 Extra Commentary
  152. Applying Rational Equations 2
  153. Applying Rational Equations 3
  154. Number Sets 1
  155. Number Sets 2
  156. Number Sets 3
  157. Understanding Logical Statements 1
  158. Understanding Logical Statements 2
  159. Understanding Logical Statements 3
  160. Understanding Logical Statements 4
  161. Understanding Logical Statements Commentary
  162. U12_L1_T3_we1 Inductive Reasoning 1
  163. Inductive Reasoning 2
  164. Inductive Reasoning 3
  165. Deductive Reasoning 1
  166. Deductive Reasoning 2
  167. Deductive Reasoning 3
  168. Events and Outcomes 1
  169. Events and Outcomes 2
  170. Events and Outcomes 3
  171. U12_L2_T2_we1 Independent Events 1
  172. Independent Events 2
  173. Independent Events 3
  174. Permutations and Combinations 1
  175. Permutations and Combinations 2
  176. Permutations and Combinations 3
  177. Permutations and Combinations 4
  178. Probability of Dependent Events
  179. Probability of Dependent Events 2
  180. U02_L2_T2_we1 Absolute Value Equations.avi
  181. U06_L3_T1_we3 Graphing Systems of Inequalities
  182. U06_L1_T1_we1 Solving Systems by Graphing
  183. U05_L2_T1_WE2 Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
  184. U03_L2_T1_we2 Representing Functions as Graphs
  185. U03_L1_T1_we2 Inductive Patterns

California Standards Test: Algebra I

  1. CA Algebra I: Number Properties and Absolute Value
  2. CA Algebra I: Simplifying Expressions
  3. CA Algebra I: Simple Logical Arguments
  4. CA Algebra I: Graphing Inequalities
  5. CA Algebra I: Slope and Y-intercept
  6. CA Algebra I: Systems of Inequalities
  7. CA Algebra I: Simplying Expressions
  8. CA Algebra I: Factoring Quadratics
  9. CA Algebra I: Completing the Square
  10. CA Algebra I: Quadratic Equation
  11. CA Algebra I: Quadratic Roots
  12. CA Algebra I: Rational Expressions
  13. CA Algebra I: Rational Expressions
  14. CA Algebra I: Word Problems
  15. CA Algebra I: More Word Problems
  16. CA Algebra I: Functions

Algebra 1 Examples

  1. Variable Expressions
  2. Order of Operations
  3. Patterns and Equations
  4. Equations and Inequalities
  5. Domain and Range of a Function
  6. Functions as Graphs
  7. Word Problem Solving Plan 1
  8. Word Problem Solving Strategies
  9. Integers and Rational Numbers
  10. Addition of Rational Numbers
  11. Subraction of Rational Numbers
  12. Multiplication of Rational Numbers
  13. Distributive Property
  14. Division of Rational Numbers
  15. Square Roots and Real Numbers
  16. Problem Solving Word Problems 2
  17. One Step Equations
  18. Two-Step Equations
  19. Multi-Step Equations
  20. Equations with Variables on Both Sides
  21. Ratio and Proportion
  22. Scale and Indirect Measurement
  23. Percent Problems
  24. Word Problem Solving 3
  25. The Coordinate Plane
  26. Graphing Using Intercepts
  27. Graphs of Linear Equations
  28. Slope and Rate of Change
  29. Graphs Using Slope-Intercept Form
  30. Direct Variation Models
  31. Linear Function Graphs
  32. Word Problem Solving 4
  33. Linear Equations in Slope Intercept Form
  34. Linear Equations in Point Slope Form
  35. Linear Equations in Standard Form
  36. Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
  37. Fitting a Line to Data
  38. Predicting with Linear Models
  39. Using a Linear Model
  40. Inequalities Using Addition and Subtraction
  41. Inequalities Using Multiplication and Division
  42. Multi-Step Inequalities
  43. Compound Inequalities
  44. Absolute Value Equations
  45. Absolute Value Inequalities
  46. Graphing Inequalities
  47. Solving Linear Systems by Graphing
  48. Solving Linear Systems by Substitution
  49. Solving Systems of Equations by Elimination
  50. Solving Systems of Equations by Multiplication
  51. Special Types of Linear Systems
  52. Systems of Linear Inequalities
  53. Exponent Properties Involving Products
  54. Exponent Properties Involving Quotients
  55. Zero, Negative, and Fractional Exponents
  56. Scientific Notation
  57. Exponential Growth Functions
  58. Exponential Decay Functions
  59. Geometric Sequences (Introduction)
  60. Word Problem Solving- Exponential Growth and Decay
  61. Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
  62. Multiplication of Polynomials
  63. Special Products of Binomials
  64. Polynomial Equations in Factored Form
  65. Factoring Quadratic Expressions
  66. Factoring Special Products
  67. Factor by Grouping and Factoring Completely
  68. Graphs of Quadratic Functions
  69. Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
  70. Solving Quadratic Equations by Square Roots
  71. Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
  72. Using the Quadratic Formula
  73. Proof of Quadratic Formula
  74. Discriminant of Quadratic Equations
  75. Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Models
  76. Identifying Quadratic Models
  77. Identifying Exponential Models
  78. Quadratic Regression
  79. Graphs of Square Root Functions
  80. Radical Expressions with Higher Roots
  81. More Simplifying Radical Expressions
  82. How to Rationalize a Denominator
  83. Extraneous Solutions to Radical Equations
  84. Radical Equation Examples
  85. More Involved Radical Equation Example
  86. Pythagorean Theorem
  87. Distance Formula
  88. Midpoint Formula
  89. Visual Pythagorean Theorem Proof
  90. Average or Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Median, and Mode
  91. Range, Variance and Standard Deviation as Measures of Dispersion
  92. Stem and Leaf Plots
  93. Histograms
  94. Box-and-whisker Plot
  95. Proportionality
  96. Asymptotes of Rational Functions
  97. Another Rational Function Graph Example
  98. A Third Example of Graphing a Rational Function
  99. Polynomial Division
  100. Simplifying Rational Expressions
  101. Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
  102. Adding Rational Expressions Example 1
  103. Adding Rational Expressions Example 2
  104. Adding Rational Expressions Example 3
  105. Solving Rational Equations
  106. Two more examples of solving rational equations
  107. Surveys and Samples
  108. Pythagorean Theorem 3


California Standards Test: Algebra II

  1. California Standards Test: Algebra II
  2. California Standards Test: Algebra II (Graphing Inequalities
  3. CA Standards: Algebra II (Algebraic Division/Multiplication)
  4. CA Standards: Algebra II
  5. Algebra II: Simplifying Polynomials
  6. Algebra II: Imaginary and Complex Numbers
  7. Algebra II: Complex numbers and conjugates
  8. Algebra II: Quadratics and Shifts
  9. Algebra II: Shifting Quadratic Graphs
  10. Algebra ||: Conic Sections
  11. Algebra II: Circles and Logarithms
  12. Algebra II: Logarithms Exponential Growth
  13. Algebra II: Logarithms and more
  14. Algebra II: Functions, Combinatorics
  15. Algebra II: binomial Expansion and Combinatorics
  16. Algebra II: Binomial Expansions, Geometric Series Sum
  17. Algebra II: Functions and Probability
  18. Algebra II: Probability and Statistics
  19. Algebra II: Mean and Standard Deviation

Linear Algebra

  1. Introduction to matrices
  2. Matrix multiplication (part 1)
  3. Matrix multiplication (part 2)
  4. Inverse Matrix (part 1)
  5. Inverting matrices (part 2)
  6. Inverting Matrices (part 3)
  7. Matrices to solve a system of equations
  8. Matrices to solve a vector combination problem
  9. Singular Matrices
  10. 3-variable linear equations (part 1)
  11. Solving 3 Equations with 3 Unknowns
  12. Linear Algebra: Introduction to Vectors
  13. Linear Algebra: Vector Examples
  14. Linear Algebra: Parametric Representations of Lines
  15. Linear Combinations and Span
  16. Linear Algebra: Introduction to Linear Independence
  17. More on linear independence
  18. Span and Linear Independence Example
  19. Linear Subspaces
  20. Linear Algebra: Basis of a Subspace
  21. Vector Dot Product and Vector Length
  22. Proving Vector Dot Product Properties
  23. Proof of the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
  24. Linear Algebra: Vector Triangle Inequality
  25. Defining the angle between vectors
  26. Defining a plane in R3 with a point and normal vector
  27. Linear Algebra: Cross Product Introduction
  28. Proof: Relationship between cross product and sin of angle
  29. Dot and Cross Product Comparison/Intuition
  30. Matrices: Reduced Row Echelon Form 1
  31. Matrices: Reduced Row Echelon Form 2
  32. Matrices: Reduced Row Echelon Form 3
  33. Matrix Vector Products
  34. Introduction to the Null Space of a Matrix
  35. Null Space 2: Calculating the null space of a matrix
  36. Null Space 3: Relation to Linear Independence
  37. Column Space of a Matrix
  38. Null Space and Column Space Basis
  39. Visualizing a Column Space as a Plane in R3
  40. Proof: Any subspace basis has same number of elements
  41. Dimension of the Null Space or Nullity
  42. Dimension of the Column Space or Rank
  43. Showing relation between basis cols and pivot cols
  44. Showing that the candidate basis does span C(A)
  45. A more formal understanding of functions
  46. Vector Transformations
  47. Linear Transformations
  48. Matrix Vector Products as Linear Transformations
  49. Linear Transformations as Matrix Vector Products
  50. Image of a subset under a transformation
  51. im(T): Image of a Transformation
  52. Preimage of a set
  53. Preimage and Kernel Example
  54. Sums and Scalar Multiples of Linear Transformations
  55. More on Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication
  56. Linear Transformation Examples: Scaling and Reflections
  57. Linear Transformation Examples: Rotations in R2
  58. Rotation in R3 around the X-axis
  59. Unit Vectors
  60. Introduction to Projections
  61. Expressing a Projection on to a line as a Matrix Vector prod
  62. Compositions of Linear Transformations 1
  63. Compositions of Linear Transformations 2
  64. Linear Algebra: Matrix Product Examples
  65. Matrix Product Associativity
  66. Distributive Property of Matrix Products
  67. Linear Algebra: Introduction to the inverse of a function
  68. Proof: Invertibility implies a unique solution to f(x)=y
  69. Surjective (onto) and Injective (one-to-one) functions
  70. Relating invertibility to being onto and one-to-one
  71. Determining whether a transformation is onto
  72. Linear Algebra: Exploring the solution set of Ax=b
  73. Linear Algebra: Matrix condition for one-to-one trans
  74. Linear Algebra: Simplifying conditions for invertibility
  75. Linear Algebra: Showing that Inverses are Linear
  76. Linear Algebra: Deriving a method for determining inverses
  77. Linear Algebra: Example of Finding Matrix Inverse
  78. Linear Algebra: Formula for 2x2 inverse
  79. Linear Algebra: 3x3 Determinant
  80. Linear Algebra: nxn Determinant
  81. Linear Algebra: Determinants along other rows/cols
  82. Linear Algebra: Rule of Sarrus of Determinants
  83. Linear Algebra: Determinant when row multiplied by scalar
  84. Linear Algebra: (correction) scalar muliplication of row
  85. Linear Algebra: Determinant when row is added
  86. Linear Algebra: Duplicate Row Determinant
  87. Linear Algebra: Determinant after row operations
  88. Linear Algebra: Upper Triangular Determinant
  89. Linear Algebra: Simpler 4x4 determinant
  90. Linear Algebra: Determinant and area of a parallelogram
  91. Linear Algebra: Determinant as Scaling Factor
  92. Linear Algebra: Transpose of a Matrix
  93. Linear Algebra: Determinant of Transpose
  94. Linear Algebra: Transposes of sums and inverses
  95. Linear Algebra: Transpose of a Vector
  96. Linear Algebra: Rowspace and Left Nullspace
  97. Lin Alg: Visualizations of Left Nullspace and Rowspace
  98. Linear Algebra: Orthogonal Complements
  99. Linear Algebra: Rank(A) = Rank(transpose of A)
  100. Linear Algebra: dim(V) + dim(orthogonoal complelent of V)=n
  101. Lin Alg: Representing vectors in Rn using subspace members
  102. Lin Alg: Orthogonal Complement of the Orthogonal Complement
  103. Lin Alg: Orthogonal Complement of the Nullspace
  104. Lin Alg: Unique rowspace solution to Ax=b
  105. Linear Alg: Rowspace Solution to Ax=b example
  106. Lin Alg: Showing that A-transpose x A is invertible
  107. Linear Algebra: Projections onto Subspaces
  108. Linear Alg: Visualizing a projection onto a plane
  109. Lin Alg: A Projection onto a Subspace is a Linear Transforma
  110. Linear Algebra: Subspace Projection Matrix Example
  111. Lin Alg: Another Example of a Projection Matrix
  112. Linear Alg: Projection is closest vector in subspace
  113. Linear Algebra: Least Squares Approximation
  114. Linear Algebra: Least Squares Examples
  115. Linear Algebra: Another Least Squares Example
  116. Linear Algebra: Coordinates with Respect to a Basis
  117. Linear Algebra: Change of Basis Matrix
  118. Lin Alg: Invertible Change of Basis Matrix
  119. Lin Alg: Transformation Matrix with Respect to a Basis
  120. Lin Alg: Alternate Basis Tranformation Matrix Example
  121. Lin Alg: Alternate Basis Tranformation Matrix Example Part 2
  122. Lin Alg: Changing coordinate systems to help find a transformation matrix
  123. Linear Algebra: Introduction to Orthonormal Bases
  124. Linear Algebra: Coordinates with respect to orthonormal bases
  125. Lin Alg: Projections onto subspaces with orthonormal bases
  126. Lin Alg: Finding projection onto subspace with orthonormal basis example
  127. Lin Alg: Example using orthogonal change-of-basis matrix to find transformation matrix
  128. Lin Alg: Orthogonal matrices preserve angles and lengths
  129. Linear Algebra: The Gram-Schmidt Process
  130. Linear Algebra: Gram-Schmidt Process Example
  131. Linear Algebra: Gram-Schmidt example with 3 basis vectors
  132. Linear Algebra: Introduction to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  133. Linear Algebra: Proof of formula for determining Eigenvalues
  134. Linear Algebra: Example solving for the eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix
  135. Linear Algebra: Finding Eigenvectors and Eigenspaces example
  136. Linear Algebra: Eigenvalues of a 3x3 matrix
  137. Linear Algebra: Eigenvectors and Eigenspaces for a 3x3 matrix
  138. Linear Algebra: Showing that an eigenbasis makes for good coordinate systems


  1. Introduction to angles
  2. Angles (part 2)
  3. Angles (part 3)
  4. Angles formed between transversals and parralel lines
  5. Angles of parallel lines 2
  6. The Angle Game
  7. Similar triangles
  8. Similar triangles (part 2)
  9. Angle Game (part 2)
  10. Area and Perimeter
  11. Circles: Radius, Diameter and Circumference
  12. Area of a circle
  13. The Pythagorean Theorem
  14. Pythagorean Theorem II
  15. 45-45-90 Triangles
  16. Intro to 30-60-90 Triangles
  17. 30-60-90 Triangles II
  18. Heron's Formula
  19. Part 1 of Proof of Heron's Formula
  20. Part 2 of the Proof of Heron's Formula
  21. An inscribed angle is half of a central angle that subtends the same arc
  22. Area of Inscribed Equilateral Triangle (some basic trig used)
  23. Right Triangles Inscribed in Circles (Proof)
  24. Area of Diagonal Generated Triangles of Rectangle are Equal

California Standards Test: Geometry

  1. CA Geometry: deductive reasoning
  2. CA Geometry: Proof by Contradiction
  3. CA Geometry: More Proofs
  4. CA Geometry: Similar Triangles
  5. CA Geometry: Similar Triangles
  6. CA Geometry: More on cogruent and similar triangles
  7. CA Geometry: Triangles and Parallelograms
  8. CA Geometry: Area, Pythagorean Theorem
  9. CA Geometry: Area, Circumference, Volume
  10. CA Geometry: Pythagorean Theorem, Area
  11. CA Geometry: Exterior Angles
  12. CA Geometry: Deducing Angle Measures
  13. CA Geometry: Pythagorean Theorem, Compass Constructions
  14. CA Geometry: Compass Construction
  15. CA Geometry: Basic Trigonometry
  16. CA Geometry: More Trig
  17. CA Geometry: Circle Area Chords Tangent
  18. CA Geometry: Secants and Translations
  19. Statistics

    1. Statistics: The Average
    2. Statistics: Sample vs. Population Mean
    3. Statistics: Variance of a Population
    4. Statistics: Sample Variance
    5. Statistics: Standard Deviation
    6. Statistics: Alternate Variance Formulas
    7. Introduction to Random Variables
    8. Probability Density Functions
    9. Binomial Distribution 1
    10. Binomial Distribution 2
    11. Binomial Distribution 3
    12. Binomial Distribution 4
    13. Expected Value: E(X)
    14. Expected Value of Binomial Distribution
    15. Poisson Process 1
    16. Poisson Process 2
    17. Law of Large Numbers
    18. Normal Distribution Excel Exercise
    19. Introduction to the Normal Distribution
    20. ck12.org Normal Distribution Problems: Qualitative sense of normal distributions
    21. ck12.org Normal Distribution Problems: z-score
    22. ck12.org Normal Distribution Problems: Empirical Rule
    23. ck12.org Exercise: Standard Normal Distribution and the Empirical Rule
    24. ck12.org: More Empirical Rule and Z-score practice
    25. Central Limit Theorem
    26. Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean
    27. Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean 2
    28. Standard Error of the Mean


    1. Probability (part 1)
    2. Probability (part 2)
    3. Probability (part 3)
    4. Probability (part 4)
    5. Probability (part 5)
    6. Probability (part 6)
    7. Probability (part 7)
    8. Probability (part 8)
    9. Permutations
    10. Combinations
    11. Probability using Combinations
    12. Probability and Combinations (part 2)
    13. Conditional Probability and Combinations
    14. Birthday Probability Problem
    15. Introduction to Random Variables
    16. Probability Density Functions
    17. Binomial Distribution 1
    18. Binomial Distribution 2
    19. Binomial Distribution 3
    20. Binomial Distribution 4
    21. Expected Value: E(X)
    22. Expected Value of Binomial Distribution
    23. Poisson Process 1
    24. Poisson Process 2
    25. Law of Large Numbers


    1. Basic Trigonometry
    2. Basic Trigonometry II
    3. Radians and degrees
    4. Using Trig Functions
    5. Using Trig Functions Part II
    6. The unit circle definition of trigonometric function
    7. Unit Circle Definition of Trig Functions
    8. Graph of the sine function
    9. Graphs of trig functions
    10. Graphing trig functions
    11. More trig graphs
    12. Determining the equation of a trigonometric function
    13. Trigonometric Identities
    14. Proof: sin(a+b) = (cos a)(sin b) + (sin a)(cos b)
    15. Proof: cos(a+b) = (cos a)(cos b)-(sin a)(sin b)
    16. Trig identities part 2 (parr 4 if you watch the proofs)
    17. Trig identies part 3 (part 5 if you watch the proofs)
    18. Trigonometry word problems (part 1)
    19. Trigonometry word problems (part 2)
    20. Law of cosines
    21. Navigation Word Problem
    22. Proof: Law of Sines
    23. Ferris Wheel Trig Problem
    24. Ferris Wheel Trig Problem (part 2)
    25. Fun Trig Problem
    26. Polar Coordinates 1
    27. Polar Coordinates 2
    28. Polar Coordinates 3
    29. Inverse Trig Functions: Arcsin
    30. Inverse Trig Functions: Arctan
    31. Inverse Trig Functions: Arccos
    32. Trigonometry Identity Review/Fun


    1. Introduction to Limits
    2. Limit Examples (part 1)
    3. Limit Examples (part 2)
    4. Limit Examples (part3)
    5. Limit Examples w/ brain malfunction on first prob (part 4)
    6. Squeeze Theorem
    7. Proof: lim (sin x)/x
    8. More Limits
    9. Sequences and Series (part 1)
    10. Sequences and series (part 2)
    11. Permutations
    12. Combinations
    13. Binomial Theorem (part 1)
    14. Binomial Theorem (part 2)
    15. Binomial Theorem (part 3)
    16. Introduction to interest
    17. Interest (part 2)
    18. Introduction to compound interest and e
    19. Compound Interest and e (part 2)
    20. Compound Interest and e (part 3)
    21. Compound Interest and e (part 4)
    22. Exponential Growth
    23. Polar Coordinates 1
    24. Polar Coordinates 2
    25. Polar Coordinates 3
    26. Parametric Equations 1
    27. Parametric Equations 2
    28. Parametric Equations 3
    29. Parametric Equations 4
    30. Introduction to Function Inverses
    31. Function Inverse Example 1
    32. Function Inverses Example 2
    33. Function Inverses Example 3



    1. Introduction to Limits
    2. Limit Examples (part 1)
    3. Limit Examples (part 2)
    4. Limit Examples (part3)
    5. Limit Examples w/ brain malfunction on first prob (part 4)
    6. Squeeze Theorem
    7. Proof: lim (sin x)/x
    8. More Limits
    9. Epsilon Delta Limit Definition 1
    10. Epsilon Delta Limit Definition 2
    11. Calculus: Derivatives 1 (new HD version)
    12. Calculus: Derivatives 2 (new HD version)
    13. Calculus: Derivatives 2.5 (new HD version)
    14. Calculus: Derivatives 1
    15. Calculus: Derivatives 2
    16. Calculus: Derivatives 3
    17. Calculus: Derivatives 4: The Chain Rule
    18. Calculus: Derivatives 5
    19. Calculus: Derivatives 6
    20. Derivatives (part 7)
    21. Derivatives (part 8)
    22. Derivatives (part 9)
    23. Proof: d/dx(x^n)
    24. Proof: d/dx(sqrt(x))
    25. Proof: d/dx(ln x) = 1/x
    26. Proof: d/dx(e^x) = e^x
    27. Proofs of Derivatives of Ln(x) and e^x
    28. Extreme Derivative Word Problem (advanced)
    29. Implicit Differentiation
    30. Implicit Differentiation (part 2)
    31. More implicit differentiation
    32. More chain rule and implicit differentiation intuition
    33. Trig Implicit Differentiation Example
    34. Calculus: Derivative of x^(x^x)
    35. Maxima Minima Slope Intuition
    36. Inflection Points and Concavity Intuition
    37. Monotonicity Theorem
    38. Calculus: Maximum and minimum values on an interval
    39. Calculus: Graphing Using Derivatives
    40. Calculus Graphing with Derivatives Example
    41. Graphing with Calculus
    42. Optimization with Calculus 1
    43. Optimization with Calculus 2
    44. Optimization with Calculus 3
    45. Optimization Example 4
    46. Introduction to rate-of-change problems
    47. Equation of a tangent line
    48. Rates-of-change (part 2)
    49. Ladder rate-of-change problem
    50. Mean Value Theorem
    51. The Indefinite Integral or Anti-derivative
    52. Indefinite integrals (part II)
    53. Indefinite Integration (part III)
    54. Indefinite Integration (part IV)
    55. Indefinite Integration (part V)
    56. Integration by Parts (part 6 of Indefinite Integration)
    57. Indefinite Integration (part 7)
    58. Another u-subsitution example
    59. Introduction to definite integrals
    60. Definite integrals (part II)
    61. Definite Integrals (area under a curve) (part III)
    62. Definite Integrals (part 4)
    63. Definite Integrals (part 5)
    64. Definite integral with substitution
    65. Integrals: Trig Substitution 1
    66. Integrals: Trig Substitution 2
    67. Integrals: Trig Substitution 3 (long problem)
    68. Introduction to differential equations
    69. Solid of Revolution (part 1)
    70. Solid of Revolution (part 2)
    71. Solid of Revolution (part 3)
    72. Solid of Revolution (part 4)
    73. Solid of Revolution (part 5)
    74. Solid of Revolution (part 6)
    75. Solid of Revolution (part 7)
    76. Solid of Revolution (part 8)
    77. Sequences and Series (part 1)
    78. Sequences and series (part 2)
    79. Polynomial approximation of functions (part 1)
    80. Polynomial approximation of functions (part 2)
    81. Approximating functions with polynomials (part 3)
    82. Polynomial approximation of functions (part 4)
    83. Polynomial approximations of functions (part 5)
    84. Polynomial approximation of functions (part 6)
    85. Polynomial approximation of functions (part 7)
    86. Taylor Polynomials
    87. Exponential Growth
    88. AP Calculus BC Exams: 2008 1 a
    89. AP Calculus BC Exams: 2008 1 b&c
    90. AP Calculus BC Exams: 2008 1 c&d
    91. AP Calculus BC Exams: 2008 1 d
    92. Calculus BC 2008 2 a
    93. Calculus BC 2008 2 b &c
    94. Calculus BC 2008 2d
    95. Partial Derivatives
    96. Partial Derivatives 2
    97. Gradient 1
    98. Gradient of a scalar field
    99. Divergence 1
    100. Divergence 2
    101. Divergence 3
    102. Curl 1
    103. Curl 2
    104. Curl 3
    105. Double Integral 1
    106. Double Integrals 2
    107. Double Integrals 3
    108. Double Integrals 4
    109. Double Integrals 5
    110. Double Integrals 6
    111. Triple Integrals 1
    112. Triple Integrals 2
    113. Triple Integrals 3
    114. (2^ln x)/x Antiderivative Example
    115. Introduction to the Line Integral
    116. Line Integral Example 1
    117. Line Integral Example 2 (part 1)
    118. Line Integral Example 2 (part 2)
    119. Position Vector Valued Functions
    120. Derivative of a position vector valued function
    121. Differential of a vector valued function
    122. Vector valued function derivative example
    123. Line Integrals and Vector Fields
    124. Using a line integral to find the work done by a vector field example
    125. Parametrization of a Reverse Path
    126. Scalar Field Line Integral Independent of Path Direction
    127. Vector Field Line Integrals Dependent on Path Direction
    128. Path Independence for Line Integrals
    129. Closed Curve Line Integrals of Conservative Vector Fields
    130. Example of Closed Line Integral of Conservative Field
    131. Second Example of Line Integral of Conservative Vector Field
    132. Green's Theorem Proof Part 1
    133. Green's Theorem Proof (part 2)
    134. Green's Theorem Example 1
    135. Green's Theorem Example 2
    136. Introduction to Parametrizing a Surface with Two Parameters
    137. Determining a Position Vector-Valued Function for a Parametrization of Two Parameters
    138. Partial Derivatives of Vector-Valued Functions
    139. Introduction to the Surface Integral
    140. Example of calculating a surface integral part 1
    141. Example of calculating a surface integral part 2
    142. Example of calculating a surface integral part 3
    143. Introduction to L'Hopital's Rule
    144. L'Hopital's Rule Example 1
    145. L'Hopital's Rule Example 2
    146. L'Hopital's Rule Example 3

Differential Equations

    1. Introduction to differential equations
    2. Separable Differential Equations
    3. Separable differential equations 2
    4. Exact Equations Intuition 1 (proofy)
    5. Exact Equations Intuition 2 (proofy)
    6. Exact Equations Example 1
    7. Exact Equations Example 2
    8. Exact Equations Example 3
    9. Integrating factors 1
    10. Integrating factors 2
    11. First order homegenous equations
    12. First order homogenous equations 2
    13. 2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 1
    14. 2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 2
    15. 2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 3
    16. 2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations 4
    17. Complex roots of the characteristic equations 1
    18. Complex roots of the characteristic equations 2
    19. Complex roots of the characteristic equations 3
    20. Repeated roots of the characteristic equation
    21. Repeated roots of the characterisitic equations part 2
    22. Undetermined Coefficients 1
    23. Undetermined Coefficients 2
    24. Undetermined Coefficients 3
    25. Undetermined Coefficients 4
    26. Laplace Transform 1
    27. Laplace Transform 2
    28. Laplace Transform 3 (L{sin(at)})
    29. Laplace Transform 4
    30. Laplace Transform 5
    31. Laplace Transform 6
    32. Laplace Transform to solve an equation
    33. Laplace Transform solves an equation 2
    34. More Laplace Transform tools
    35. Using the Laplace Transform to solve a nonhomogenous eq
    36. Laplace Transform of : L{t}
    37. Laplace Transform of t^n: L{t^n}
    38. Laplace Transform of the Unit Step Function
    39. Inverse Laplace Examples
    40. Laplace/Step Function Differential Equation
    41. Dirac Delta Function
    42. Laplace Transform of the Dirac Delta Function
    43. Introduction to the Convolution
    44. The Convolution and the Laplace Transform
    45. Using the Convolution Theorem to Solve an Initial Value Prob







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College and advanced Math http://pirate.shu.edu/~wachsmut/index.html

Advanced Mathematics for Applications Mathematica Notebooks
The Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics
Advanced Mathematics
LHS Math Dept. - Kevin Kelly - Honors Advanced Mathematics
ENGnetBASE: Engineering Handbooks Online
Advanced Mathematics
Advanced Mathematics in Mathematica
WITS - Advanced Mathematics of Finance
Effective Multicultural Curriculum Transformation in "Advanced"
Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics 
Domestic Technology Transfer Program (DTTP) - Advanced Mathematics
Graded Exercises in Advanced Mathematics - Secondary Education ...

Guide to Advanced Mathematical Principles http://www.superstringtheory.com/math/math3.html


MIT Linear Algebra home page: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Mathematics/18-06Spring-2005/CourseHome/index.htm



 VERY IMPORTANT! Various algebraic equation forms for a straight line.

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Applications (solving word Problems) of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Algebra II: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions - Math for Morons Like Us
What's the difference between Log and Ln?
Comprehensive Math Resources by Subject

Pre-Algebra Tutorial from free-ed.net

Felecia's Algebra Tutorial: Pre-Algebra
Continuing Education Online Courses and Tutorials
Math For Morons Like Us
StudyWeb Table of Contents
The Math Forum - Math Library - Trigonometry
The Math Forum - Math Library - Ratio/Proportion
The Math Forum - Math Library - Pre-Calculus
The Math Forum - Math Library - Functions
The Math Forum - Math Library - Equations
Algebra Online!
Algebra Tutorial ( Comprehensive)
Another Calculus Tutor
Mathematics lessons.
Mathematics Lessons, Tutorials and Lecture Notes
Home Schooling LINK  http://homeschoolcentral.com/

Explore Math by ExploreMath.com

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An Overview of Mathematics

Mathematics is the science of size, structure, order, and shapes, and other relationships among quantities.


Math in Daily Life

Whether you're sailing a boat off the coast of Japan or building a house in Peru, you're using math to get things done.


Understanding Algebra

A complete review of Basic Algebra






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1 5 10 50 100 500 1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 20 42 55 96 1601

Rule:  1.  If no letter in front of a letter is of greater value, add the numbers represented by the letters.  Example.  XXX = 30;  VI = 6

Rule 2.  If a letter in front of a letter is of greater value, subtract the smaller form the larger; add the remainder or remainders obtained to the numbers represented by the other letters.  Example.  IV = 4;   XL = 40;   CXLV = 145

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METRIC SYSTEM - Mathematics for science starts with a need to understand the metric system.  The metric system is used throughout the world of science.  You will need to know the basic terminology and conversion factors.  To learn more about the metric system click >> HERE

Below is a table of the basic metric units, their powers of ten equivalents, prefix and symbol.


Sample Prefix Symbol
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 118 exa E
1 000 000 000 000  000 = 1015 peta P
1 000 000 000 000 = 1012 tera T
1 000 000 000 = 109 giga G
1 000 000 = 106 mega M
1 000 = 103 kilo k
100 = 102 *hecto h
10 = 101 *deka da
0.1 = 10-1 *deci d
0.01 = 10-2 *centi c
0.001 = 10-3 milli m
0.000 001 = 10-6 micro µ
0.000 000 001 = 10-9 nano n
0.000 000 000 001= 10-12 pico p
0.000 000 000 000 001 = 10-15 femto f
0.000 000 000 000 000 001 = 10-18 atto a

* avoid where possible


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Conversion calculators : metric to English and English to metric 
A Dictionary of Measures, Units and Conversions

Conversion of weights and measures, metric conversion online
Online Conversion - Convert just about anything to anything else
FP : Metric Conversion Tables : convert metric to imperial for 
Conversions - online metric converter - US customary & metric 
WSDOT - Metric Conversion Factors
Metric System
Unit Conversion - The Foot Rule
Measurement Units Conversion
Conversion of Units

Metric Lesson Plans

Measurement Lesson Plans
The Science Spot: Metric Mania Lessons
A Metric World--Mathematics lesson plan (grades 6-8
Lesson Plans - Chemistry
Metric Equivalents - An AskERIC Lesson Plan
Education World® : Lesson Planning Center : Lesson Plans : Olympic
Lesson Tutor: Metric Measures and Conversions lesson plan.
Metrics Math Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activity, Worksheet, or
Metric Equivalents - An Educator's Reference Desk Lesson Plan

See our Calculations Page

To see how the metric system is used as it relates to chemistry click >> HERE

Powers of TEN quiz http://home.postnet.com/~rrichert/power10.htm

Measurement - from mm to m³


LAWS OF EXPONENTS - To multiply powers of the same base, add their exponents.
        Thus,         22 times 23 = 25       = 32
        PROOF:    22 = 4;  23 = 8;   25   
        Therefore;        4    x     8            =  32

        To divide powers of the same base, subtract the exponent of the divisor from the exponent of the dividend.  (The dividend is on top  /   divisor  is on the bottom)
        Thus,       35 /  33  =  32                        = 9
        PROOF:  35  = 243;  33  =   27;  32   
        Therefore;       243      /        27           =  9

(Note:  The above statement corrected 03/13/00 by the sharp eye and compliments of Jason Rana, Ouachita Baptist University.  We appreciate anyone who brings errors to our attention so we may correct them.)
Webmaster@ 101science.com

HANDY FORMULAS AND INFORMATION -  These should be memorized!

                (-a)n = an, if n is even
                (-a)n = -an, if n is odd
                am  *  an  =  am+n
an / am  =  an-m
(ab)=  anbn

                (a + b)2  =  a2  +  2ab   + b2
                (a -  b)2  =  a2  -  2ab  +  b2
                (a + b)(a - b)  =  a2  -  b2
                (a + b)3  =  a3  +  3a2b  +  3ab2  +b3






SOS Math - Mathematical Tables and Formulas
eFunda: Engineering Mathematics
Pi Formulas -- from MathWorld
Colby Community College - Mathematics
Education : Beyond the formulas - mathematics education for
EasyRGB - Color mathematics and conversion formulas.
Math Education Web Resources



Little Handbook of Statistics http://www.tufts.edu/~gdallal/LHSP.HTM
Online Textbook explains statistics
Probability Tutorials - online
Electronic Statistics Book http://www.statsoft.com/textbook/stathome.html
Online Textbook http://davidmlane.com/hyperstat/index.html
Statistics Lab http://www.ruf.rice.edu/%7Elane/rvls.html


Introduction to Regression Analysis 
Multiple Regression
Regression Analysis
[PDF] An Introduction to Regression Analysis
Regression analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simple linear and multiple regression
PA 765: Multiple Regression
Statistical Analysis
Reliability and Regression Analysis
Statistical Analysis
Regression Analysis
WPI Global Perspective Program - Handbook for IQP Advisors and 
KaleidaGraph - scientific graphing, curve fitting, data analysis
Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy - Contract Pricing
Parametric Cost Estimating Handbook - Regression Analysis
[PDF] Regression analysis

Applied Statistics Books

Indiana University Statistics and Math Center

Fluid Dynamics and Statistical Physics

Statistical Data Resources

Geospatial and Statistical Data Center University of Virginia

CDC Injury Statistics

CDC Center for National Health Statistics

SSBR:  Health Statistics

Top 100 Applied Statistics Books for Sale
Mathematical  Statistics and Data Analysis
Mathematical  Statistics and Data Analysis

Probability and Statistics - 101science.com - WWW Links page.

Statistics Links to TI-83 Programs you can download to your calculator:

  (General Statistics)
http://silver.sdsmt.edu/~rwjohnso/Ggrant.htm  Statistics - CBL

Finding Mean and Standard Deviation with the TI-83

Mean and standard deviation on the TI-83
[PDF]Using the TI-83 to Find the Sample Mean and Sample Standard ...
TI-83 Instructions - Hypothesis Testing with one mean
83 Instructions - Confidence Intervals for mean (small samples ...

[PDF]TI-83/83 Plus: Confidence Interval for One-Sample Mean with s ...
[PDF]TI-83/83 Plus: Hypothesis Testing for Two-Sample Mean with s ...
[PDF]Calculating Mean and Standard Deviation for a Sample with TI-83 Normal probabilities on the TI-83
TI-83 Instructions


Adolphe Quetelet (1796 - 1874)


QUOTE:  "The more progress physical sciences make, the more they tend to enter the domain of mathematics, which is a kind of center to which they all converge. We may even judge the degree of perfection to which a science has arrived by the facility with which it may be submitted to calculation." Adolphe Quetelet
Quoted in E Mailly, Eulogy on Quetelet 1874

Adolphe Quetelet received his first doctorate in 1819 from Ghent for a dissertation on the theory of conic sections. After receiving this doctorate he taught mathematics in Brussels, then, in 1823, he went to Paris to study astronomy at the Observatory there. He learnt astronomy from Arago and Bouvard and the theory of probability under Joseph Fourier and Pierre Laplace.  Influenced by Laplace and Fourier, Quetelet was the first to use the normal curve other than as an error law. His studies of the numerical consistency of crimes stimulated wide discussion of free will versus social determinism. For his government he collected and analysed statistics on crime, mortality etc. and devised improvements in census taking. His work produced great controversy among social scientists of the 19th century.

At an observatory in Brussels that he established in 1833 at the request of the Belgian government, he worked on statistical, geophysical, and meteorological data, studied meteor showers and established methods for the comparison and evaluation of the data.

Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics which includes the planning, summarizing, and interpreting of uncertain observations. Because the aim of statistics is to produce the "best" information from available data, some authors make statistics a branch of decision theory. As a model of randomness or ignorance, probability theory plays a critical role in the development of statistical theory.

The word statistics comes from the modern Latin phrase statisticum collegium (lecture about state affairs), from which came the Italian word statista, which means "statesman" or "politician" (compare to status) and the German Statistik, originally designating the analysis of data about the state. It acquired the meaning of the collection and classification of data generally in the early nineteenth century.

We describe our knowledge (and ignorance) mathematically and attempt to learn more from whatever we can observe. This requires us to

  1. plan our observations to control their variability (experiment design),
  2. summarize a collection of observations to feature their commonality by suppressing details (descriptive statistics), and
  3. reach consensus about what the observations tell us about the world we observe (statistical inference).

In some forms of descriptive statistics, notably data mining, the second and third of these steps become so prominent that the first step (planning) appears to become less important. In these disciplines, data often are collected outside the control of the person doing the analysis, and the result of the analysis may be more an operational model than a consensus report about the world.

The probability of an event is often defined as a number between one and zero rather than a percentage. In reality however there is virtually nothing that has a probability of 1 or 0. You could say that the sun will certainly rise in the morning, but what if an extremely unlikely event destroys the sun? What if there is a nuclear war and the sky is covered in ash and smoke?

We often round the probability of such things up or down because they are so likely or unlikely to occur, that it's easier to recognise them as a probability of one or zero.

However, this can often lead to misunderstandings and dangerous behaviour, because people are unable to distinguish between, e.g., a probability of 10-4 and a probability of 10-9, despite the very practical difference between them. If you expect to cross the road about 105 or 106 times in your life, then reducing your risk per road crossing to 10-9 will make you safe for your whole life, while a risk per road crossing of 10-4 will make it very likely that you will have an accident, despite the intuitive feeling that 0.01% is a very small risk.

Some sciences use applied statistics so extensively that they have specialized terminology. These disciplines include:

Statistics form a key basis tool in business and manufacturing as well. It is used to understand measurement systems variability, control processes (as in "statistical process control" or SPC), for summarizing data, and to make data-driven decisions. In these roles it is a key tool, and perhaps the only reliable tool.

Links to observable statistical phenomena are collected at statistical phenomena

National Statistical Services

See also

Regression--analysis of variance (ANOVA) -- multivariate statistics -- extreme value theory -- list of statisticians -- list of statistical topics -- machine learning

External links

How do you solve a percentage increase question?

 - How do you calculate a percentage increase?  For example if your supply of apples increases from 206 to 814, what was the percentage increase?

We can see by subtracting 206 from 814 that the increase in the number of apples is 608.  Remember we started with 206, not zero.

Percentages are fractions.  Dividing 814 by 206 gives approximately 3.951 and since we started with one whole (100%) basket of 206 apples we must subtract one from this percentage number.  This is the step many people miss.  So, 3.951 minus 1 equals 2.951.  Multiplying this number by 100 to give percentage; 100 times 2.951 gives 295% increase as the answer.

- Check your work.  Does this answer look correct?  Well, if we had 200 apples increasing to 400 (double)  that would be a 100% increase.  So, increasing from 400 to 600 (another 200 apples) would be another 100% increase.  So, increasing from 600 to 800 (another 200 apples) would be another 100% increase.  So going from 200 to 800 represents an increase of 300%.  3 times our original amount of 200 equals 600 which is equal to the increase (800 minus 200 = 600).  So the answer to our problem should be close to 300%.  Our answer is 295% so it is close to what we would expect.  Now let's do an accurate check of our original problem.  206 times 2.95 equals 608 (the number of apples increased) which proves our answer is correct.  

Math Dictionaries

Math Dictionary:  http://www.blarg.net/~math/deflist.html

Definitions:  http://userzweb.lightspeed.net/~barr/def.html

Math Words:  http://www.geocities.com/poetsoutback/etyindex.html

Math Words for Middle Grades:  http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/RR/glossary/middle/


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