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Science Terminology

Applied Chemistry

Forensic Chemistry

Mole - Molar Conversions

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Atoms - Introduction


Naming Compounds

Solutions Solute/Solvents

Atmospheric Chemistry

General Chemistry

News, Chemical Industry

Specific Heat & Heat

Atomic Structure

Geological Chemistry



Audio Programs RE:Chem Glass Blowing Lab  

Great Chemists

Standard Model

Basic Chemistry

Great Chemists

Nuclear Chemistry

States of Matter


Heat & Specific Heat

Organic Chemistry



History of Chemistry

Organic Chem. - Tutorials Student Help


Introduction to Chemistry

Periodic Chart/Tables

Teachers Help



Ph Indicator Chart  



JAVA Applets - Chem. Phase Diagrams  


C hemical Reactions


Polyatomic Ions Thermodyanmics

Chemical Interactions

Labs -  Experiments Polymers  

Tools for Chemistry

Chemistry DATABASE

Laws - of Chemistry

Qualitative Chemistry



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Quantitative Chemistry


Combinations of Elements

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Video (Chemistry related)

Computer Based Lab

MathCAD for Chemistry


Weights/Weighing Lab


Matter   Rubber Stoppers Chart   Write Chem Formulas-WORD

Don't know where to start?  Then, start >HERE<

Chemistry Test Questions: university of S. Maine

Free DOE Chemistry Handbooks

HDBK-1015/1-92  DOE Fundamentals Handbook, Chemistry, Volume 1 of 2 (140 pages)
PDF (3950 KB) 
DOE-HDBK-1015/2-92  DOE Fundamentals Handbook, Chemistry, Volume 2 of 2 (138 pages)
(2898 KB) 


Other 101science.com Chemistry Pages:  How to navigate 101science.com         SEARCH THIS SITE

PAGE 2 INDEX:  Applied Chemistry  Study Outline  Math for Chemistry  Naming Inorganic Compounds  Computer Based Laboratory  Safety First   Ph Indicator Chart      Chemistry Terms   Spectroscopy     Chemistry LINKS I    Chemistry Links II

 Introduction and outline to chemistry.     

The WWW links on this site will take you directly to the various web site pages.  Your browser URL address line will tell you the origin of the site.<1.  INTRODUCTION -  

Order this book for an EASY way to learn CHEMISTRY.Chemistry is the study of matter and the interactions among different types of matter.  Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.  The first step in learning more about chemistry is to read as much as you  can on your areas of interest.  The book "Chemistry - The Easy Way" is an example of a low cost guide to get you started.   Chemistry has four major areas of interest and many sub-specialties.  

1.  Organic Chemistry - The study of the element carbon and its compounds including living matter.

Web-ster's Organic Chemistry - http://ep.llnl.gov/msds/orgchem/Web-sters_Org_Chem.html
Organic Chemistry Help -  http://www.chemhelper.com/

2.  Inorganic chemistry - The study of all other elements of non-living matter.

Washington State - http://www.wsu.edu/~wherland/Virtual U. North - http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/plambeck/che/struct/s060x.htm

3.  Analytical chemistry - The study of " What is it?" or qualitative chemistry and "How much is there?"  which is quantitative chemistry.  Analytical chemistry is the analysis of compounds.   

U. Akron; Analytical Chemistry - http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/analytical/index.html  
Analytical Chemistry  - http://www.netaccess.on.ca/~dbc/cic_hamilton/anal.html

4.  Physical Chemistry - The quantitative aspects of the physical properties of substances and their relationship to chemical structure and composition.

Biochemistry - The study of biologically active substances.Polymer chemistry - The chemistry of long chained molecules.

Solid state chemistry -
The behavior of solids.

Organometallic chemistry - The chemistry of compounds in which a metal is bonded in an organic compound.

General Chemistry Online - http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/index.shtml

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Chemistry is the study of the atomic building blocks of nature, how they combine and their combinations which form the solids, liquids, and gases that make up most forms of matter. For the many different chemical elements and compounds, see:

To represent structures easily, you can use chemical ASCII-art.

NEW! Periodic Chart of the Elements with correlation to their health aspects - http://www.lenntech.com/periodic-chart.htm
Each element contains a link to a page that explains its
chemical properties, and its health effects and environmental effects,  In four languages

Periodic Tables

Nuclear Terminology
The Language of the Nucleus, on-line edition.
The world's largest nuclear glossary.

A P Chemistry

AP Chemistry Cards
Chemistry Terms
Chemistry Links 1
Chemistry Links 2
Chemistry Books
Chemistry JAVA
ChemTeam: Main Menu
Chemistry Coach
AP Chemistry Resources
AP Central - Chemistry Course Perspective
PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway - Web Catalogue
AP Chemistry Page
AP Concepts Home Page
AP Workshop--UCR 2000
High 2
AOL - Apex Learning
AP Interactive Animations
AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry Exam
AP Web Sites
AP Chemistry
Chemistry Server's Output
video: The Standard Deviants: Chemistry, Part 1  ~ VHS  or DVD
video: The Standard Deviants: Chemistry, Part 2 ~ VHS  or DVD
video: The Standard Deviants: Chemistry, Part 3 ~ VHS or DVD


Free online chemistry tutorials 

   ChemistryCoach.com http://www.chemistrycoach.com/tutorials-1.htm

Rader's Chemistry 4 Kids by Chem4Kids.com

CHEM4KIDS - Chemistry Research destination


Chemistry Tutorial by University of Arizona

Review the basics of chemistry you'll need to know to study biology.


Large Molecules by University of Arizona

Learn about structures and properties of sugars, lipids, amino acids, and nucleotides, as well as macromolecules including proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides.


Acids & Bases by University of Arizona

Learn about the solvent properties of water, pH, pKa and buffering capacity.

Clinical Correlates of pH Levels
by University of Arizona

Learn how metabolic acidosis or alkalosis can arise and how these conditions shift the bicarbonate equilibrium. The body's compensatory mechanisms and treatment options are also discussed.


B12/Folate by University of Arizona

Learn which biological reactions require either B12 or folate (or both); what the consequences of a deficiency in either vitamin are, and the important step in which B12 and folate metabolism overlap.


Energy, Enzymes, and Catalysis by University of Arizona

Familiarize yourself with some key principles about enzymes, catalysis, and energy that are central to a subsequent study of metabolic pathways.


Metabolism by University of Arizona

Develop a basic understanding of some of the fundamental concepts of metabolism.


Carbohydrate Metabolism Regulation by University of Arizona

Learn about the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism by insulin, glucagon and epinephrine, mainly in liver and muscle.


Photosynthesis 1 by University of Arizona

Study the conversion of light energy into different forms of chemical energy during photosynthesis.


Photosynthesis 2 by University of Arizona

Review the location and overall reactions of carbohydrate biosynthesis during photosynthesis, and understand the metabolic differences between C3 and C4 plants.


An Introduction to Surface Chemistry by Dr. Roger Nix

Structure of Metallic Surfaces,  Adsorption of Molecules on Surfaces, The Langmuir Isotherm, UHV & Effects of Gas Pressure, Surface Analytical Techniques, Overlayer Structures & Surface Diffraction, Surface Imaging & Depth Profiling


An Overview of Chemistry by EncycloZine

Chemistry is the branch of science concerned with the properties, structure, and composition of substances and their reactions with one another. There are two main divisions, organic and inorganic.




  1. Introduction to the atom
  2. Orbitals
  3. More on orbitals and electron configuration
  4. Electron Configurations
  5. Electron Configurations 2
  6. Valence Electrons
  7. Groups of the Periodic Table
  8. Periodic Table Trends: Ionization Energy
  9. Other Periodic Table Trends
  10. Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic Bonds
  11. Molecular and Empirical Formulas
  12. The Mole and Avogadro's Number
  13. Formula from Mass Composition
  14. Another mass composition problem
  15. Balancing Chemical Equations
  16. Stoichiometry
  17. Stoichiometry: Limiting Reagent
  18. Ideal Gas Equation: PV=nRT
  19. Ideal Gas Equation Example 1
  20. Ideal Gas Equation Example 2
  21. Ideal Gas Equation Example 3
  22. Ideal Gas Example 4
  23. Partial Pressure
  24. States of Matter
  25. States of Matter Follow-Up
  26. Specific Heat, Heat of Fusion and Vaporization
  27. Chilling Water Problem
  28. Phase Diagrams
  29. Van Der Waals Forces
  30. Covalent Networks, Metallic, and Ionic Crystals
  31. Vapor Pressure
  32. Suspensions, Colloids and Solutions
  33. Solubility
  34. Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Supression
  35. Introduction to Kinetics
  36. Reactions in Equilibrium
  37. Mini-Video on Ion Size
  38. Keq Intuition (mathy and not necessary to progress)
  39. Keq derivation intuition (can skip; bit mathy)
  40. Heterogenous Equilibrium
  41. Le Chatelier's Principle
  42. Introduction to pH, pOH, and pKw
  43. Acid Base Introduction
  44. pH, pOH of Strong Acids and Bases
  45. pH of a Weak Acid
  46. pH of a Weak Base
  47. Conjugate Acids and Bases
  48. pKa and pKb Relationship
  49. Buffers
  50. Strong Acid Titration
  51. Weak Acid Titration
  52. Half Equivalence Point
  53. Titration Roundup
  54. Introduction to Oxidation States
  55. More on Oxidation States
  56. Hydrogen Peroxide Correction
  57. Redox Reactions
  58. Galvanic Cells
  59. Types of Decay
  60. Half-Life
  61. Exponential Decay Formula Proof (can skip, involves Calculus)
  62. Introduction to Exponential Decay
  63. More Exponential Decay Examples
  64. Macrostates and Microstates
  65. Quasistatic and Reversible Processes
  66. First Law of Thermodynamics/ Internal Energy
  67. More on Internal Energy
  68. Work from Expansion
  69. PV-diagrams and Expansion Work
  70. Proof: U=(3/2)PV or U=(3/2)nRT
  71. Work Done by Isothermic Process
  72. Carnot Cycle and Carnot Engine
  73. Proof: Volume Ratios in a Carnot Cycle
  74. Proof: S (or Entropy) is a valid state variable
  75. Thermodynamic Entropy Definition Clarification
  76. Reconciling Thermodynamic and State Definitions of Entropy
  77. Entropy Intuition
  78. Maxwell's Demon
  79. More on Entropy
  80. Efficiency of a Carnot Engine
  81. Carnot Efficiency 2: Reversing the Cycle
  82. Carnot Efficiency 3: Proving that it is the most efficient
  83. Enthalpy
  84. Heat of Formation
  85. Hess's Law and Reaction Enthalpy Change
  86. Gibbs Free Energy and Spontaneity
  87. Gibbs Free Energy Example
  88. More rigorous Gibbs Free Energy/ Spontaneity Relationship
  89. A look at a seductive but wrong Gibbs/Spontaneity Proof
  90. Stoichiometry Example Problem 1
  91. Stoichiometry Example Problem 2
  92. Limiting Reactant Example Problem 1
  93. Empirical and Molecular Formulas from Stoichiometry
  94. Example of Finding Reactant Empirical Formula
  95. Stoichiometry of a Reaction in Solution
  96. Another Stoichiometry Example in a Solution
  97. Molecular and Empirical Forumlas from Percent Composition


Chemistry - Animations

Online Marketing Training. URL: http://online-college-search.org/Sales_and_Marketing_Schools.html 
Desc: You have come to the right place if you are looking for more information on Sales and Marketing Schools, Online Marketing Colleges or Online Marketing Degrees. 

Organic Chemistry Tutorials

Acids and Bases
     Vocabulary   |   Conjugate Acids and Bases   |   Use of the pKa Table   |   Molecular Structure and Acidity

Carbocations     Carbocations

Curved Arrows     Curved Arrows

Electrophiles and Nucleophiles     Vocabulary   |   Electrophiles and Nucleophiles

Formal Charge     Formal Charge

Lewis Dot Structures     Drawing Lewis Dot Structures

Resonance     Vocabulary   |   Drawing Resonance Contributor   |   Most Important Resonance Contributor

Stereochemistry     Stereochemistry lecture presentation (Chem 30A fall 2002)

Organic Stereochemistry: http://www.saintmarys.edu/~pbays/Stereochemistry.html

     Vocabulary   |   Identifying Stereocenters   |   Determining Molecular Chirality   |   Classification of Isomers   |
     Stereocenter Nomenclature: The R/S System   |   Drawing Enantiomers and Diastereomers   |   Specific Rotation and Related Calculations

Organic Chemistry OnLine Tutorial
Organic Chemistry Help!

Organic Chemistry Tutorials

Tutorials in organic chemistry
Metabolic Pathways of Biochemistry - Organic Chemistry Tutorial
Computational Chemistry and Organic Synthesis
General, Organic and Biochemistry
Colby OChem Visual Demos

Chemistry Thesaurus - download

IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M]
[N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

The following WWW links will take you directly to the various web site pages.  Your browser URL address line will tell you the origin of the site.

Chemistry Review    http://esg-www.mit.edu:8001/esgbio/chapters.html

For a brief introduction to chemistry click on this;
then , TUTORIAL 2

Next visit the following links that interest you.

How to survive basic chemistry.    www.chemtutor.com
Learning style management.   www.chemtutor.com
Class management.   www.chemtutor.com
How to study for tests.    www.chemtutor.com
Some pointers on general studying for chemistry.  www.chemtutor.com
Problem solving skills in chemistry.   www.chemtutor.com
Some possibly useful pointers on problem solving.   www.chemtutor.com

2. MATTER - Matter is physically everything that exists that we can touch and feel. Matter consists of atoms.  

Read an introduction to ATOMS here.  

Here is a comparison of solids, liquids and gasses CLICK HERE.  All matter can be classified as being either a pure substance or a mixture.  Matter can exist as either a solid, liquid, or a gas and can change among these three states of matter.  Mixtures can be heterogeneous (made up of two or more physically different parts or states of matter) or homogeneous (consisting of components that cannot be individually detected.)  Homogenous mixtures are usually called solutions.  In a two-component system, the major component is called the solvent and the minor component is called the solute.  Aqueous solutions have water as the solvent.  If the components of a solution can be mixed in any proportion, they are said to be miscible.  A colloid is a mixture in which the particles of the lesser phase are intermediate in size between those present in the homogeneous mixtures and those in heterogeneous mixtures; typically they are on the order of 10 to 10,000 angstroms in diameter.

¿And you thought you were strange?        www.chemtutor.com
Atomic weights and atomic numbers.   www.chemtutor.com
Formula weight or molecular weight.     www.chemtutor.com
Electron configuration.   www.chemtutor.com
Electron configuration chart.   www.chemtutor.com
Common electron configuration scheme.   www.chemtutor.com
Octet rule as seen on the periodic chart.    www.chemtutor.com
Sideways periodic chart with electron shell numbers.      www.chemtutor.com
Lewis structures of elements.    www.chemtutor.com
The view from above.
Kinetic theory of matter.   www.chemtutor.com
Solids.   www.chemtutor.com
Liquids.   www.chemtutor.com

GASES  See special article from Scott Specialty Gases

Description: The Scott Specialty Gases website is a valuable resource for technical and safety chemical information including an online MSDS Library, comprehensive downloadable Design and Safety handbook, chemical innovations, specialty gases, chemical safety tips, and compliance documentation.  Scott Specialty Gases http://www.scottgas.com/

Gases.    www.chemtutor.com
A walk up the phase change graph.   www.chemtutor.com
The 'heat curve' or phase change graph for water.    www.chemtutor.com
Live steam.  www.chemtutor.com
Cooking in water.   www.chemtutor.com
Heat curve math.    www.chemtutor.com
Triple point of materials.   www.chemtutor.com
Heat curve problems.   www.chemtutor.com 
Heat properties of selected materials.  www.chemtutor.com 


Find Optimal Formulation of Mixtures Dept of Energy Document
Process Optimization
Dept of Energy Document
Design Experiments Dept of Energy Document
What are materials made of? Separating mixtures
Separating Mixtures - Chemistry - Curriculum Center
Incompatible Chemical Mixtures - Chemistry Archives
mixture (chemistry)
Molecules, Mixtures, & Compounds - Chemistry Teaching Tip
GCSE CHEMISTRY Mixtures - Definition - Separation - Physical 
General Chemistry Online: Companion Notes: Matter
Chem4Kids.com: Matter
GCSE Chemistry Notes on Elements, Compounds, Separation Mrthods of
Mixtures - Succeed in Physical Science


Molecules, Mixtures, & Compounds - Chemistry Teaching Tip
General Chemistry Online: Library of common compounds
Glossary of Class Names
Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names
Chemistry of Molecules & Compounds - Facts and Information
SpringerLink - Publication
Organic Compounds Database
Wiley::Carbocyclic Cage Compounds: Chemistry and Applications
[PDF] Photochromic compounds: Chemistry and application in ophthalmic lenses
Welcome to the NIST WebBook

Famous scientist quote:
"All men deal with matter in the gross and our bodies are constructed of it.  Mysteries of matter, therefore, have a fascination for thoughtful laymen as well as scientists and technologists.  The atom has long been familiar as the ultimate unit of matter".  Lord Ernest Rutherford (18771 - 1937)

3.  ELEMENTS - There are four major parts to learning chemistry basics. - - Elements, Laws and Theories, Combinations of Elements, and Applied Chemistry - learn about them and what the words mean to know the inner mysteries of chemistry.  Learn about each elements physical characteristics and atomic structure by periodic chart of elements and each elements associated physical characteristics.  

At first concentrate on the more common elements of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, sodium, potassium, sulfur, and a few metals like copper, zinc, silver, mercury, and lead.   Later you can study the rest of the elements.

Web Elements Online - http://www.webelements.com/index.html

Pictorial Periodic Chart http://chemlab.pc.maricopa.edu/periodic/periodic.html

Periodic Chart and other interesting things. http://radio.weblogs.com/0101365/categories/periodic/

The periodic table, www.consol.ca/downloads/Periodic_Table.html

Chemistry is the study of the atomic building blocks of nature, how they combine and their combinations which form the solids, liquids, and gases that make up most forms of matter. For the many different chemical elements and compounds, see:

To represent structures easily, you can use chemical ASCII-art.

NEW! Periodic Chart of the Elements with correlation to their health aspects - http://www.lenntech.com/periodic-chart.htm
Each element contains a link to a page that explains its
chemical properties, and its health effects and environmental effects,  In four languages

Periodic Tables

Chemist's Art Gallery -- Nice Animation Site
Chem Team - chemistry help
Chemical of the Week
Chemistry Tutorials & Bioethics
Periodic Table Challenge -- Fill in the Blank Table
Periodic Table of the Elements -- Elements Seen in the Comics
Periodic Table -- Basic Table
Periodic Table -- Visual (Graphic Intense)
Periodic Table -- WebElements --Very Nice Table
Periodic Table -- History
Periodic Table of Poetry -- Elements Put to Poetry

4.  LAWS AND THEORIES:   Learn about laws, theories, facts and various principals of chemistry.  

For example:
The law of conservation of matter, 
The law of definite composition,  
The law of definite proportions
The atomic theory,  
The molecular theory, 
The gas laws and many more.  This will require some memorization but knowing where you can get the information is important.

The laws of Thermodynamics
The Law of Definite Proportions, et al.
The Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy
Elliott's Chemistry Laws, Principles and Equations
Hess's Law

Chemistry - Laws and Rules
Chemistry Laws
Links: Chemistry Laws and Theories
Gas Law Tutorial Index
Virtual Chemistry Experiments and Exercises
Chemistry Tutor
Yahooligans! Search Results for Chemistry Laws
General Chemistry: starting points for students

law of multiple proportions

a second case study illustrating the law of multiple proportions Bluffton College
law of simple multiple proportions (InfoPlease)
law of multiple proportions (teachers.net)
law of multiple proportions (UNC-Charlotte)
law of multiple proportions (CSU-DH)
law of multiple proportions (Marsden)
what does the law of multiple proportions mean? (Guch) 

law of definite proportions, composition

law of definite proportions (University of Wisconsin-SP)
law of definite proportions (Brown)
law of definite proportions (Northwestern University)
llaw of definite composition (101science.com)
law of definite composition (Daytona Beach CC)


[PDF] CHEMISTRY 1045C PROBLEM SET #3 Law of Definite Composition
Law of Definite Proportions
Chemical Names and Formulas
Law of definite proportions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
law of definite proportions: Information From Answers.com
Dictionary L
law of definite proportions - definition of law of definiteLaw of definite proportions - Biocrawler

The Standard Model

The Strong Force; an Explanation - The Standard Model
Introduction of everyday forces and quarks, leptons, boson's, fundamental particles and other issues.
From Cornell University: Professors Sadoff, Hine.

Standard Model
IV 2 Particle Chemistry -
IV 1 Particle Chemistry - Fundamentals

The Standard Model
research report
Frank Potter's Science Gems - Physical Science III
Neutrinos and Implications for Physics Beyond the Standard Model 
NIST Scientific and Technical Databases - Online Scientific Databases
Model Chemlab Standard - Model Science Software Software Store
NIST Scientific and Technical Databases - Online Scientific
Chemistry Priority Academic Student Skills
Chapter 5. Quantum chemistry in Molecular Modeling
K-12 Grade Chemistry Lessons
Chemistry Links
INCA Interaction with Chemistry and Aerosols


In a study of magnesium absorption, chemist Joseph Domek measures magnesium content in water with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer.

Photo by Scott Bauer.

5.  Stoichiometry - COMBINATIONS OF ELEMENTS AND THEIR REACTIONS:  Study chemical reactions by reading This is an example of a chemical reaction and a reversal.sections on stoichiometry in chemistry text books and demonstrating them with laboratory experiments.  (See laboratory cautions below). Combining elements to form new combinations is a very important part of chemistry. (If you don't know the meaning of the words here look them up in the "TERMS" links provided below.  Also look up the words in your dictionary for additional understanding.)  Learn about the concept of a MOLE.  Learn more about chemical reactions HERE.

In a simple equation, such as the synthesis of iron(II) sulfide,
iron + sulfur = iron(II) sulfide the equation requires no special balancing:

Fe + S  Ž   FeS

Our last stage is to put in state symbols, (s, l, g, aq), as appropriate.

Fe(s) + S(s)  Ž   FeS(s)

On a molar basis, we can say that one mole of iron (56g) reacts with one mole of sulfur (32g) to produce one mole of the compound iron(II) sulfide (88g).

You will need the ability in chemistry to describe formulas for any substance you come across.  For ionic compounds the compound formula may be arrived at by knowing the number of charges each ion has.  Memorize this table.  For example sodium (Na) has a charge of +1.  Oxygen (O) has a charge of -2.  Carbon (C) has a charge of -4.  When you see these elements in a formula; substitute the charge numbers and that will tell you how many atoms of each element are needed to balance the equation.

For example if you combine sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) that is the same as +1 = -1 = 0 so you only need one of each.  When we say one, it could mean one atom or one mole.  So the formula for  a combination of sodium and chlorine is Na+Cl- or often written with out the superscripts as NaCl.   This is sodium chloride or common table salt.  What about aluminum and chlorine?  +3 = -1 = +2  In this case you need two chlorine (whatever) to balance the equation for the compound.  It would end up as Al3+ 3 Cl- which is AlCl3.  Some elements can have various charges like iron.  They are written with roman numerals to indicate the charge; iron(II) Fe2+, iron(III) Fe3+, etc.


Please go to our STOICHIOMETRY page HERE.

LEWIS DOT STRUCTURE http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5399558061059901856&q=chemistry


ACID and BASE Chemistry http://www.shodor.org/UNChem/basic/ab/
What are ACIDS? http://www.purchon.com/chemistry/acids.htm
History of Acids and Bases http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A708257
The Acids, Alkalis and Salts Crossword http://www.creative-chemistry.org.uk/funstuff/xword/acids.htm
ABOUT Acids and Bases http://chemistry.about.com/cs/acidsandbases/
Acids and Alkalis  http://www.gcsechemistry.com/aa.htm
Acids and Bases http://sciencespot.net/Pages/kdzchem3.html
AMINO Acids http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemistry/bio/amino-acids_en.html
AP Acids http://www.chemistrygeek.com/c2c15.htm
Properties and Examples http://qldscienceteachers.tripod.com/junior/chem/acid.html
Weak Acids and Bases
Acid, Base, and pH Tutorial
Acids and Bases
Acids and Bases - pH Chemistry
[PDF] Acids and bases
The educational encyclopedia, inorganic chemistry, acids and bases
Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the
Glencoe Online External Link
Chem4Kids.com:Reactions:Acids and Bases
Acids & Bases Problem Set
Acids and Bases
Exploring Acids and Bases
Acids & Bases
Acids Bases and Salts
CHEMystery: Acids and Bases
Acids and Bases
Acids & Bases

Names of common acids and their salts follow these simple rules:
-ic acids form -ate salts - for example sulfuric acid forms sulfate salts.
-ous acids form -ite salts - for example sulfurous acid forms sulfite salts.
hydro-(stem)-ic acids form - ide salts - for example hydrochloric acid forms chloride salts.

What is an acid or a base? Properties of acids.
Properties of bases. Strong acids and bases.
Solubility and dissociation. Overview of pH.
The pH box. Calculator use with pH box.
The pKa box. Weak acids and weak bases.
pH of strong acids and bases. Weak acids.
Weak bases. The 5% rule.
pH of weak acids and bases. Buffers and pH of buffers.
Buffer math. Titration.
Salts. Titration and pH math problems.


Atmospheric Chemistry

Atmospheric Chemistry Air Quality Glossary
Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics - Home
Ozone and the Atmosphere Main Menu
IGAC | International Global Atmospheric Chemistry
Research in Atmospheric Chemistry at Leeds
Harvard University Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group
Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry
NERC ACSOE Programme Home Page

Kluwer Academic Publishers - Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
Centre for Atmospheric Chemistry
Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics - Home
NCAR/Atmospheric Chemistry Division
Airsite - Atmospheric Chemistry on the Web
Atmospheric Chemistry Program
IGAC | International Global Atmospheric Chemistry
PMEL Atmospheric Chemistry


General Data http://science.uniserve.edu.au/school/curric/stage6/chem/metals.html
Metals http://www.discoverchemistry.com/dcv2-docroot/student/real_world/materials/metals.html
Properties http://qldscienceteachers.tripod.com/junior/chem/metals.html
Metals Lists http://dmoz.org/Science/Chemistry/Elements/Transition_Metals/
Alkali Metal http://www.chemicalelements.com/groups/alkali.html

Metric Measurement for Chemistry

101 Calculations Page Including Chemistry Calculators

Consultant in metallurgy & chemistry
Lesson Plans - Chemistry
CHEMystery: Introduction to Chemistry: Measurements
metric unit
General Chemistry Online: FAQ: Measurement: Is the SI the same as
Math Skills for Chemistry Tutorials
The Metric System
Units, Scientific Notation, and Significant Figures
Unit Conversion - The FootRule

General Chemistry Online: Companion Notes: Measurement
Atmospheric Chemistry: Field Measurement campaigns
Nulcear Chemistry [Radionuclide Measurement]
MPS/MTP Science Links: Chemistry Links : Measurement
[PDF] Chapter 1: Chemistry and Measurementes
[PDF] Chemistry and Measurement
[PDF] Physical Chemistry Viscosity Measurement of viscosity Ostwald 
Atmospheric Chemistry Ozone Measurements
Packet 1 - Chemistry & Measurement
[PDF] Chemistry 115 Chapter 1: Chemistry and Measurement What is 

Qualitative Chemistry

2 The Original Qualitative Chemistry
Predicting Qualitative Chemistry Using Quantum Chemical 
Introduction to Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis - Chemistry Flame Tests
Qualitative Chemistry
Qualitative Analysis
Side-Eight Software : ORganic Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis
ChemLab - Chemistry 3/5 - Qualitative Analysis of Cations 
Find in a Library: Qualitative testing and inorganic chemistry.

Inorganic Qualitative analysis at





gas laws 

See our GAS page

Quiz with answers http://itl.chem.ufl.edu/2045_s00/gas_quiz.html
Gas Law Problem http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Chem/Chem103lc/GCgas1.html
Gas Law Tutorial http://www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/betha/nealGasLaw/
GAS Law Described http://www.shodor.org/unchem/advanced/gas/
Prepare Gases http://chemistry.about.com/library/weekly/aa020603a.htm
Kinetic Theory of Gases http://members.tripod.com/~EppE/ktgases.htm
Gas Tutorial http://www.learnchem.net/tutorials/gases.shtml
Free GAS Handbook -pdf - http://www.boc.com/capability/Gases.pdf

GASES  See special article from Scott Specialty Gases

Description: The Scott Specialty Gases website is a valuable resource for technical and safety chemical information including an online MSDS Library, comprehensive downloadable Design and Safety handbook, chemical innovations, specialty gases, chemical safety tips, and compliance documentation.  Scott Specialty Gases http://www.scottgas.com/

Gases.    www.chemtutor.com
Gas Law Tutorial Index
Fuel Chemistry
General Chemistry Gas Quiz
General Chemistry: Gas Law Problems
UW-Madison Chemistry - Gas Phase Spectroscopy
Chemistry-Based QuickTime Movies, Animations, and Streaming Audio
Microscale Gas Chemistry
GCSE CHEMISTRY Gas - Gases - All Links - gcsescience.com


Chemistry of non-metals http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch10/non.html
Slides http://www.public.asu.edu/~jpbirk/CHM-115_BLB/Chpt22/
Non-metals Described http://home.att.net/~cat6a/metals-V.htm


Preparing Solutions http://www.coscosci.com/lab/test_solns.htm
Solutions/Dilutions/%/Molar http://abacus.bates.edu/~ganderso/biology/resources/dilutions.html
Solutions http://onsager.bd.psu.edu/~jircitano/solution.html
Solute and Solvents http://www.geocities.com/proofpurchaseweb/solutions.html
Tutorial http://www.learnchem.net/tutorials/solu.shtml
PinkMonkey.com - Chemistry Study Guide -CHAPTER : 8 SOLUTIONS

Solution Chemistry
Solution Concentrations
Bad Chemistry
Solution Intro
Introductory University Chemistry I. Dissolution, Evolution, and
SparkNotes: SAT II Chemistry: Solutions
T-12: Theoretical Solution Chemistry

Making Solutions



Reactions http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~acarpi/NSC/6-react.htm
Graphics http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/genobc/Chapter_05/
Key Points http://www.chem4kids.com/files/react_intro.html
Common types of reactions http://www.towson.edu/~ladon/react.html
Predicting reactions http://www.spusd.k12.ca.us/chemmybear/preactions.html
Chemical Reactions
Chemistry Experiments you can do at home - http://www.bxscience.edu/~chinyu/2690/exper/exper.htm
Lab Books Online - Phoenix College  http://chemlab.pc.maricopa.edu/labbooks/default.html
Lucid stoichiometry (LSU)
Hints for solving stoichiometry problems (Widener U)
Stoichiometry: mass-mass problems (ChemCentral)
Stoichiometry worksheet (Georgetown College)
Stoichiometry introduction (limiting reagent) (Carnegie Mellon)
Stoichiometry (limiting reagent simulation)
Stoichiometry 1 (Wilton High School)
Stoichiometry 2
(Wilton High School)
Stoichiometry 3 (Wilton High School)
Stoichiometry 4 (Wilton High School)
Stoichiometry (DBHS)
Stoichiometry by the recipe (John Brodemus)
Stoichiometry applet (IrYdium Project)*
Stoichiometry notes (Erik)
What is stoichiometry (Floyd College)
Chemical reaction stoichiometry web site (Smith)
Mass relationships in chemical equations (CSU-DH)
Stoichiometry online (GSU)

BioChemisty/MicroChemistry Software Downloads.
Good Chemistry Tutorial Site
High School Chemistry Tutorials Complete

Amino Acid Properties

Beginner's Guide to Molecular Biology
Biochemical Procedures Online
Biochemistry: Course Description
Biochemistry - Web Edition
Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Biochemistry Course Materials
Biochemistry of Neurotransmitters
Biochemistry: Study Guide
Biology Online
The Biology Project: Biochemistry
Biophysical Chemistry
Center for Molecular Modeling
Computational Biochemistry Server at ETHZ
DNA Graphics
European Journal of Biochemistry
Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Graphics Gallery
Images of Proteins/DNA
Kansas University Medical Center Resources for Biochemistry
Life Science Directory
Metabolic Pathways of Biochemistry
Molecular Library
Molecular Models for Biochemistry
NDB Atlas of Nucleic Acid Containing Structures
Lessons Plans in Science
Biochemistry 1 (BioChemNet - Schmidel)
Biochemistry 2 (BioChemNet - Schmidel)
Biotechnology (BioChemNet - Schmidel)
Biotechnology Dictionary (BioTech Resources)
Cells - Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology (Lackey and Dow) 3-00
Genomes Research - Resources (US Department of Energy and the Human Genome Project)
Human Genome Map - Chromosome 21 and Base Pairs (BBC News)
Human Genome Map - Status (Nature - Macmillan Publishers)
Biology Clip Art - Free (BioChemNet - Schmidel)
DNA Sequencing (Howard Hughes Medical Institute)
DNA, Genes, and Heredity (DNA Learning Center)
Alzheimer's Disease - Vaccine Prevents Alzheimer's In Mice (applesforhealth)
Basic Biological Structure Revealed (applesforhealth)
Brain - Compound Fights Prion Brain Disease (applesforhealth)
Brain - Probing The Mechanics Of Memory (applesforhealth)
Brain Region Mapped (applesforhealth)
Cancer - Repairing DNA After UV Damage (applesforhealth)
Cancer - Smart Bombs May Blast Cancer Cells (applesforhealth)
Cancer - Unmasking Genetic Causes Of Cancer (applesforhealth)
Cell Transplant Fixes Damaged Brain (applesforhealth)
Biomedia http://ebiomedia.com

The Biology Project: Biochemistry

Chemistry Tutorial
General, Organic and Biochemistry
AW: Tutorial
biochemistry tutorial, biochemistry online tutorial

Geological Chemistry

Sheffield Chemdex - Geological chemistry
Indiana State University : Department of Chemistry : Environmental 
Chemistry : Periodic Table : oxygen : geological information
Home Page "Understanding Our Planet Through Chemistry"
Geological Chemistry
BBC - GCSE Bitesize - Chemistry | Geology | Geological changes
Impact Geology, Chemistry and Physics


Software http://gttserv.lth.rwth-aachen.de/~sp/tt/
Temperature http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch5/tempframe.html
Chemical Thermodynamics & Spontaneity http://members.aol.com/profchm/thermo.html
Online Interactive QUIZ http://lrc-srvr.mps.ohio-state.edu/under/chemed/qbank/quiz/bank4.htm
Thermochemistry Links http://users.erols.com/merosen/thermo.htm


MSN Encarta - Heat (physics)
Heat Energy Transformation Video Demonstration - GREAT!
Physics Encyclopedia: Temperature and Heat
AllRefer.com - heat (Physics) - Encyclopedi
Thermal Dynamics - the Science of Heat / Physics
Race Sim Central Forums - Heat Physics Explained
Heat Physics - Information Technology Services
A glossary of physics terms, with links to an online textbook
Energy Savers: Heat Flow Physics
Heat and Temperature
The physics of sailing
Physics 2211K, Mechanics, Waves and Heat
Properties of Heat and Matter
Heat -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Physics
scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/Heat.html - Similar pages
Bubbles feel the heat (March 2005) - News - PhysicsWeb
The 'heat curve' or phase change graph for water.    www.chemtutor.com
Live steam.  www.chemtutor.com
Cooking in water.   www.chemtutor.com
Heat curve math.    www.chemtutor.com
Triple point of materials.   www.chemtutor.com
Heat curve problems.   www.chemtutor.com 
Heat properties of selected materials.  www.chemtutor.com 

Specific Heat

Specific Heat
Specific Heat -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Physics
The Specific Heats
Specific heat capacity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Specific Heat - Commercial Heating, Ventilation & Airconditioning
Specific Heat Capacity
specific heat
MIT 3.091 Periodic Table of the Elements: Specific Heat Capacity
Specific Heat
ChemTeam: Specific Heat

ChemTeam: Specific Heat
specific heat on Encyclopedia.com
Monachos Mechanical Engineering - Specific Heat cp of various
Heat - Heat and energy
Specific Heats
Calorimetry: Specific Heat Capacity of Copper
iScienceProject Labs
[PDF] Specific Heat of Solids


The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The laws of Thermodynamics

Applied Thermodynamics, Energy, Power Plant, Combustion, Heat, Air
Thermodynamics and Thermal Physics
Thermodynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All Thermodynamics
Nanotech, Quantum & Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics Data
About Temperature
Thermodynamics Home Page
DBHS Home Page


Bonding http://www.visionlearning.com/library/module_viewer.php?mid=55
Chemical Bonds http://www.purchon.com/chemistry/bonding.htm
AP Bonding http://www.chemistrygeek.com/c2c6.htm
GCSE, dot-school: Bonding http://www.dot-school.net/gcse/subject-chemistry-bonding.php
Understanding Bonding http://www.chemguide.co.uk/atoms/bondingmenu.html#top
How does SuperGlue Work? 
Understanding Chemistry - Atomic Structure and Bonding Menu
Bonding - Chemistry
Structure and Bonding in Chemistry
Chemical Bonding
Structure and Bonding - Chemistry Tutorial Text
Chemistry Bonding Images
Download Covalent Bonding - chemistry software, chemical bonding
Ionic Bonding - Chemistry teaching software which simulates the 
Google Directory - Kids and Teens > School Time > Science
Chemistry software for high schools
SparkNotes: Introduction to Chemical Bonding
AP Chemistry: Bondingchemguide: helping you to understand Chemistry - Main Menu
Virginia Tech Chemistry Department
Chemistry Tutorial: Chemical Bonds and Attractive Forces
MPS/MTP Science Links: Chemistry Links : Chemical Bonding
Ionic Bonding - Interactive Chemistry teaching software.
HEMystery: Atomic Structure and Bonding
MIT Biology Hypertextbook: Chemistry ReviewSilica-Based Reversed-Phase Columns
[PDF] Difunctional C Bonding Chemistry Provides Longer Column Lifetime
Chemistry Web
Recent Publications by NIST Authors
Chemical Bonds
Chemistry Tutorial
Ionic Bond -- from Eric Weisstein's World of ChemistryCovalent bonds (General Chemistry)

Types Of Bonds

Chemical bonds
Chemical Bonding
Chemistry Tutorial: Chemical Bonds and Attractive Forces
Chemical Bonds
Chem4Kids.com: Atoms: Compounds
3. Types of Chemical Bonding [Beyond Books - Introduction to
[PDF] Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments (AEPA ™ ) FIELD 08
learn.co.za : Chemistry
CLEP: Chemistry
#96 Molecular Shapes and Types of Bonds — Department of Chemistry 


Electrochemistry Tutorial http://www.chem1.com/acad/webtext/elchem/
PDF tutorial
Dictionary http://www.chemguide.co.uk/atoms/bondingmenu.html#top
Experiments http://www.funsci.com/fun3_en/electro/electro.htm
Electro Chemical Reactions http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch20/electroframe.html
Voltaic Cells
Electrochemistry http://ro.zrsss.si/badoko/electrochemistry.htm

Electrochemistry Dictionary
Electrochemistry Encyclopedia
International Society of Electrochemistry
Experiments in Electrochemistry
Electrochemistry Resources
The Electrochemistry Group @ The University of Liverpool


Intoduction http://www.chem.duke.edu/~jds/cruise_chem/nuclear/nuclear.html
Living Textbook http://livingtextbook.oregonstate.edu/
Nuclear Chemistry http://staff.gc.maricopa.edu/~ldiebolt/00152note/nucchmkey.pdf

Atomic Structure

Making Matter: Index
The atomic structure webpage can be found at
Atomic Structure
Index of /staffwww/stefanl/Webquest/Atoms/
CHEMystery: Atomic Structure and Bonding
Atomic Structure
Structure of the Atom (grades 6-8)
Atomic Structure Timeline
Organic Chemistry: Atomic Structure
Atomic Theory I
Understanding Chemistry - Atomic Structure and Bonding Menu
chemguide: helping you to understand Chemistry - Main Menu
Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
Learn Chemistry Tutorials - Atomic Structure and Periodicity
Learn Chemistry: Atomic Structure Practice Problems - Questions
Atomic Structure

Understanding Chemistry - Atomic Structure and Bonding Menu
Atomic & Molecular Structure - General Chemistry & Quantum Physics
SparkNotes: Organic Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure
General Chemistry/Atomic structure - Wikibooks, collection of open
Chemistry : Chapter 3 : Tutorials
Atomic Theory I
Atomic Structure Timeline
Weblinks / Science / Chemistry / Atomic Structure
Atomic Structure

Nuclear Terminology
The Language of the Nucleus, on-line edition.
The world's largest nuclear glossary.

Basics reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemistry

Basic Chemistry Link: http://ceds.vu.edu.au/studentlearning/Science/Chemistry/ChemistryIntro.htm

Atomic theory is basic to Chemistry. The theory states that all matter is composed of a set of very small units called atoms. One of the very first laws to be discovered leading to the establishment of Chemistry as a science is the Law of Conservation of Matter. The law states there is no detectable change in the quantity of matter during an ordinary chemical reaction. (Modern Physics now teaches that atoms and energy can be neither created nor destroyed.) On a superficial level this means that if we start off with 10,001 atoms and proceed with many chemical reactions, we will be left with 10,001 atoms. Even if we started off with something green and gooey and ended up with something black and hard there will still be the same number of atoms. The mass will be the same too if the energy gained or lost is accounted for. Chemistry studies the interactions of these atoms, sometimes alone but more often combined with (bonded to) other atoms to form ions and molecules. These atoms interact with other atoms (e.g. a wood fire is the combination of oxygen atoms from the air with the carbon and hydrogen atoms in the wood) and they also interact with light (a photograph is formed from the changes that light causes to the chemicals on a film) and other types of radiation. One surprisingly early finding was that these atoms almost always combine in definite ratios or proportions: silica sand is a structure where the ratio of silicon atoms to oxygen atoms is 2:1. We now know that there are exceptions to this Law of Definite Proportions (integrated circuits are a good example). Another key discovery in chemistry was that when a change is made, the amount of energy gained or lost will always be the same. This leads to the important concepts of equilibrium, thermodynamics, and kinetics. The most interesting theory describing all of chemistry is Quantum Mechanics. This theory is complex, non-intuitive, and difficult to master. Often, simpler concepts are used to predict the results of experiments. These concepts (e.g. acid/base chemistry) are limited in scope, but much easier to understand and apply. College students typically study chemistry in the following "blocks": Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Biochemistry. Often, discoveries in chemistry are made by physicists, biologists, chemical engineers or pharmacists.


What is organic chemistry? 

Organic Chemistry - The study of the element carbon and its compounds including living matter.

Web-ster's Organic Chemistry Definition - http://ep.llnl.gov/msds/orgchem/Web-sters_Org_Chem.html

Organic Chemistry Help!!! -  http://www.chemhelper.com/

Organic Stereochemistry htttp://www.saintmarys.edu/~pbays/Stereochemistry.html
Organic Chemistry Resources http://www.organicworldwide.net/
Organic Chemistry Terms and Definitions http://www.brunel.ac.uk/depts/chem/definit/definit.htm
Tutorials http://www.chemhelper.com/
Name Reactions http://www.pmf.ukim.edu.mk/PMF/Chemistry/reactions/rindex.htm
Flashcards http://www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/organic/flashcards/
Organic Laboratory http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/organic_lab/
Organic Chemistry Links http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/reforganic.html
Organic Compounds Database http://www.colby.edu/chemistry/cmp/cmp.html
Organic Chemistry Online http://www.chem.uic.edu/web1/OCOL-II/WIN/HOME.HTM
Named Reactions http://orgchem.chem.uconn.edu/namereact/named.html
Organic Chemistry Software http://www.chemistry-software.com/
Organic Chemistry Nomenclature
Analytic, Organic and Physical Chemistry Tutorials
Chemistry Tutorial and Resouce Page (Chime)
Organic Chemistry Definitions
Organic Chemistry Online: U. Illinois, Carbondale
The Basics of NMR
(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, a means for determining the structure of chemical compounds).
Organic Chemistry
Organometalic HyperTextbook
Advanced Organic Lab Experiments
Introduction to Electrochemistry: General
Electrochemistry: Overview at Compton's Encyclopedia.
Batteries: (Oregeon State University).
Fuel Cells: Descriptions of different types of fuel cells.
Chemical Demonstrations: From the sci.chem FAQ. Demonstrations
The Delights of Chemistry: Demonstrations
Chemistry Lecture Demonstrations 
Polymers Laboratory Activities: Dept. Materials Science, U. Illinois - video clips 
Organic Chemistry
Basic Biochemistry Overview
Chemistry of Life - Tutorials
Organic Chemistry Help

Organic chemistry videos - learn organic chemistry the easy way.

The Standard Deviants: Organic Chemistry, Part 1 
The Standard Deviants: Organic Chemistry, Part 2 ~ VHS 
The Standard Deviants: Organic Chemistry, Part 3 

Organic Chemistry - High School

Chemistry of Life - Tutorials
LearnChem.net - Reactions
Organic Chemistry Help

Organic Chemistry Tutorials

Acids and Bases
     Vocabulary   |   Conjugate Acids and Bases   |   Use of the pKa Table   |   Molecular Structure and Acidity

Carbocations     Carbocations

Curved Arrows     Curved Arrows

Electrophiles and Nucleophiles     Vocabulary   |   Electrophiles and Nucleophiles

Formal Charge     Formal Charge

Lewis Dot Structures     Drawing Lewis Dot Structures

Resonance     Vocabulary   |   Drawing Resonance Contributor   |   Most Important Resonance Contributor

Stereochemistry     Stereochemistry lecture presentation (Chem 30A fall 2002)

     Vocabulary   |   Identifying Stereocenters   |   Determining Molecular Chirality   |   Classification of Isomers   |
     Stereocenter Nomenclature: The R/S System   |   Drawing Enantiomers and Diastereomers   |   Specific Rotation and Related Calculations

Organic Chemistry Help!

Organic Chemistry Tutorials

Tutorials in organic chemistry


Metabolic Pathways of Biochemistry - Organic Chemistry Tutorial 

Colby OChem Visual Demos

Computational Chemistry and Organic Synthesis


Module CS204: Organic Chemistry Tutorials


The Story of How Chemical Reactivity Emerges From The Periodic Table of The Elements  By: Mark R. Leach  http://www.meta-synthesis.com/webbook.html#background

Who Is This Web Book For?

Chemogenesis is for academic chemists, teachers of chemistry and students of the subject. The material in this web book has been written – and drawn – so that it can be understood by a first year university chemistry major, a bright and interested school student, or a scientifically literate lay person.

The material is intended to be accessible to professional scientists who require a knowledge of chemical reactions and chemical reactivity but who were dazed and confused by the subject at university: physicists, engineers, geologists, biochemists, biologists, medics, etc.

MATHCAD for Chemistry


Mathcad in Chemistry
Mathcad and Chemistry
JCE Online: Mathcad in the Chemistry Curriculum
Mathcad Documents for Physical Chemistry
Explorations in Physical Chemistry
Use of Mathcad in Chemistry 450
Ññûëêè Mathcad
Mathcad @ AdeptScience: The Ultimate Technical Design Solution

Mathcad Files - various

Analytical Chemistry WWW Sites
The Elements of Physical Chemistry
Mathcad Files
MJ Software A/S
Mathcad: References
Gustavus Physical Chemistry Web Page
search mathcad.com
Miscellaneous useful pchem and visualization links.

Mathematical Skills for Chemistry http://www.chemistrycoach.com/math_skills_for_chemistry_tutori.htm#Math%20Skills%20for%20Chemistry%20Tutorials

Following links from: Jensen, R. H. www.consol.ca, Research link, 22 November 2001.

Physical Chemistry

Atomic Surfaces.mcd (pdf)

Generates and displays atomic surfaces based on the Miller indices for body-centered-cubic (bcc) and face-centered-cubic (fcc) packing arrangements. Outputs the atomic coordinates to a file.

BlackBody.mcd (pdf)

Visualization of the blackbody spectrum and the ability to integrate the spectrum between any two points.

Brownian Motion.mcd

Visualization of 1D, 2D, and 3D brownian motion. This file includes sample avi movies.

Diatomic PESs.zip

MathCad program and data files for several diatomic molecules. The program plots the electronic states (as Morse potentials) for all the known states with anharmonic constants.

Harmonic Oscillator.mcd (pdf)

Analytical solution to the Schrödinger equation with the harmonic oscillator potential. For two potentials with user-specified constants (mass, re, we), this program plots the potential, wavefunctions, and determines the overlap integral. See also Morse.mcd.

LS Coupling.mcd (pdf)

(Russel-Saunders coupling) Determines the diatomic state configurations for all possible arrangements of n electrons in m orbitals assuming strong coupling between the orbital and spin angular momentum.

Maxwell Boltzmann.mcd (pdf)

The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of speeds.

Morse.mcd (pdf)

Analytical solution to the Schrödinger equation with the Morse potential. For two potentials with user-specified constants (mass, re, we, wexe), this program plots the potential, wavefunctions, and determines the overlap integral. See also Harmonic Oscillator.mcd.

Wavelength Uncertainty.mcd (pdf)

The magnitude of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle at short times. Units of wavelength, wavenumber, frequency, etc.



EXPERIMENTS - For Students and Teachers

Search for science experiments at:

THE LAB ARCHIVE  http://www.labarchive.net/labdb/search-category?category_id=1

Laboratory Experiments

Excellent Labs to review:http://www.dartmouth.edu/~chemlab/
Virtual Chemistry Lab - Experiments for College and High School
Organic Chemistry Laboratory Topics
Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab - Educational Science Experiments
Center for Workshops in Chemical Sciences
The Organic Laboratory
Chemistry Resources: Labs
Chemistry :: Lab Experiments
Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules
Berkeley Labs - http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~chem1a/labmanual.htm

Various Experiments - Very Good http://chemmovies.unl.edu/chemistry/dochem/DoChem007.html

Solids to Liquids - http://www.biochem.purdue.edu/~bcce/exchange/w22/

Virtual chemistry
Science Is Fun in the Lab of Shakhashiri
Chemistry Experiments
Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab - Educational Science Experiments for
Classic Chemistry Experiments Lab Book
Virtual Chemistry Experiments and Exercises
Chemistry Experiments & Demonstrations You Can Do at Home
The Catalyst: Links - Experiments
Chemistry Experiments - A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling
Phoenix College Chemistry Lab Manuals
Phoenix College - Department of Chemistry
Chemistry Department of Boston College
A Day in College Chemistry Lab
The Scientist - Microscale: A Wee Revolution In College Chemistry
Calhoun Community College - Chemistry Lab Page
Virtual Chemistry Lab - Experiments for College and High School
Allegheny College: Chemistry
King's College Department of Chemistry and Physics
Chemistry Experiments
HHMI Office of Laboratory Safety
UVA/OEHS Home Page
Laboratory Safety
Safety and Health Topics: Laboratories
Laboratory Safety Incidents
Laboratory Safety Information
OSU Laboratory Safety Manual
Vermont SIRI Web Site

Fun and interesting experiments

Air Cannon - #1 T. P. Away - #28
Iron in Cereal - #7 Static Charged 2x4s - #31
Dancing Penny - #3 Density Balloon - #33
Falling Test Tubes? - #6 Glue Polymer - #15
Nickel Karate - #9 Fire Sandwich - #42
Singing Rod - #10 Pretzel Predictions - #46
Bernoulli Cans - #12 Potato Float - #49
Balloon Vacuum - #21 Straw Oboes - #11
Energy Transfer - #22 Liquid Rainbow - #64
Inch of Skin - #25 Bells in Your Ears - #67

  Resources For Chemistry Teachers and Students http://dwb.unl.edu/
Much of this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. We appreciate the years of NSF support.
dwb.unl.edu (formerly www.cci.unl.edu)
Information and resources related to the activities of David W. Brooks and his students, colleagues, and research collaborators at the Center for Curriculum and Instruction, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, are available at: dwb.unl.edu 


Teach Yourself Phase Diagrams
Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram.
keenjunk.com - Sketchbook Drawing/Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram
Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram - Steel < 1
Phase Diagram for Carbon
The graph shows the phase diagram of Iron and Fe3C
[PDF] The Iron-Iron Carbide Phase Diagram: Nomenclature and ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Carbon Steel Phase Diagrams
Iron Carbon Equilibrium Phase Diagram (@ .3% carbon content)
Iron-carbon Phase Diagram

FREE Chemistry Software  http://www.btinternet.com/~ablumsohn/chemis.htm
Chemistry Software Downloads
Orbital Files
SETUPOV.EXE Orbital Viewer for Windows 3.x, Windows95, and WindowsNT. This can display any atomic or molecular orbital. Lots of options, including cutaways, animations, stereo viewing, and vrml output. 590 kb. Orbital Viewer home page.
OV.PDF Complete documentation on the features of Orbital Viewer, including mathematics and file formats. 1820 kb.
EXAMPLES.ZIP All the .ORB files for the figures in the manual. 74 kb.
ORB386.EXE The command line version of Orbital Viewer for MS-DOS machines with a 386 processor or better. See OV.PDF for the input file format. 150 kb
ORBWIN.EXE The command line version of Orbital Viewer for Windows95 machines. See OV.PDF for the input file format. 134 kb
MPEG Animations
5D0.MPG All of these animations are of atomic electron orbitals. These represent a volume of space in which there is a certain probability that an electron will exist. They are computed from Schrodinger's Equation. Please email me for more information about orbitals. You will need an MPEG viewer to look at these. I have many more animations than the ones available here. These range from 500 to 750 kb

The WWW links on this site will take you directly to the various web site pages.  Your browser URL address line will tell you the origin of the site.


Basics of Chemistry
The Elements
Chemical Bonding
Hydrocarbon Bonding
Simple Periodic Table
Detailed Periodic Table
Polar and Non-Polar Molecules
Chemical Formulas
Chemical Equations
Bases and Alkaline Materials
The Danger of Dihydrogen Monoxide

Acids, Bases, and pH
AP Chemistry Study Cards
Basic Chemistry Explained
General Chemistry Help
General Chemistry Notes
High School Chemistry Notes
High School Chemistry Tutorials
Predicting Chemical Reactions
Chemistry  Experiments on the Web
Chemical Data Sheets

Inorganic chemistry
Java applications


Titration Lab Steps Detailed http://www.dartmouth.edu/~chemlab/techniques/titration.html
Virtual Titration http://mysite.verizon.net/res6pa7x/titration.swf
Ph Indicator Chart

Titration Demo http://www.stolaf.edu/depts/chemistry/courses/toolkits/125/js/acidbase/
Acid Base Titration - Chemistry Definition
SparkNotes: Titrations: Acid-Base Titrations
General Chemistry Part I
Defintion of titration - Chemistry Dictionary
Department of Chemistry, Davidson College - Titration Applet
Chemistry Tutorials
[PPT] Titrations in Chemistry
Chemistry Freeware Page
Creative Chemistry A Level Practical Work
AllRefer.com - titration (Chemistry) - Encyclopedia
Chemistry: Acids and Bases
Chloride Mohr Titration - Chemistry 3.1 Resources - Outreach
ChemLab - Chemistry 3/5 - Monoprotic and Polyprotic Acids - Chemistry
CheatHouse.com - Acid-Base Titration Chemistry Formal Lab Writeup 
Chemistry : Chapter 16 : Titrations
Chemistry Experiments

Acids and Bases

Links for Chemists

Acids, Bases, and pH
AP Chemistry Study Cards
General Chemistry Help
General Chemistry Notes
High School Chemistry Notes
High School Chemistry Tutorials
LearnChem.net - Tutorials
Predicting Chemical Reactions
BioChemistry Made Very E
Click here for the latest breaking "Chemical Industry" NEWS.
Chemistry Tutorial for High School
Chemistry Tutor
College Chemistry Tutorial  also, General Chemistry Outline
Laboratory Experiments
Kitchen Chemistry Experiments
Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
Chemistry Review
Ask the Experts: Chemistry
Chemistry Practice Exams
Chemistry Questions & Answers
STC/MS: Properties of Matter
STC/MS is an inquiry-based middle school science curriculum developed by the National Science Resources Center.
SFCSM: States of Matter: Solid, Liquid and Gas
AskEric Solutions and Concentrations
SFCTM: Theories of Matter
SFCPF: Pressure in Fluids
Mediacen: Seawater vs Fresh Water
TLMTT: The Living Machine® as a Teaching Tool

See More General Chemistry at our Links Page I



Chemistry Teaching Resources
WWW Chemistry Resources
Organic Chemistry Resources Worldwide
Chemistry Resources
Links for Chemists / Virtual Library Chemistry Section
Chemistry in the Yahoo! Directory
High School Chemistry Resources on the Web
Science Teachers' Resource Center
General Chemistry Online: Home
Computational Chemistry Resources on the WWW
The Catalyst: Chemistry Resources For Teachers
UCSB Libraries - Chemistry
Chemistry Resources on the Internet [Internet Resources]
Chemistry I Index
WWW Chemistry Resources
Inorganic Chemistry Resources
Chemistry Resources
The Chemistry Hypermedia Project at Virginia Tech
US FDA/CFSAN Library of Chemistry Information
Chemistry and New Zealand
Sheffield Chemdex - Home
web links homepage
Instructional Resources for Chemistry
Caltech Library System
Organic Chemistry Resources
Quiz Hub
Chemistry Links

Storming Media - Chemistry Reports

Description: Documents about Chemistry produced or collected by the Pentagon and distributed by Storming Media, including ones about Biochemistry; Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Processing; Inorganic Chemistry; Isotopes; Organic Chemistry; Pharmacology; Physical Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry; and Toxicology.

Storming Media Home Page: Storming Media provides unclassified reports and documents from the Pentagon, most about science, technology or policy. Storming Media  provide these papers at significantly below the prices chosen by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), a government agency that sells these items. 

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The Standard Deviants: Chemistry, Part 3
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The Standard Deviants: Geometry, Part 2 ~ VHS 
The Standard Deviants: Organic Chemistry, Part 1 
The Standard Deviants: Organic Chemistry, Part 2 ~ VHS 
The Standard Deviants: Organic Chemistry, Part 3 
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The Standard Deviants: Trigonometry, Part 2 ~ VHS 
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Pre-Algebra Video Bundle ~ VHS 

Chemistry BOOKS

Science Calculators and Conversion Factors

101 Calculations Page Including Chemistry Calculators

Chemistry Calculators
Ideal Gas Law Calculator
Metric/SE conversion calculator
Mole Calulator http://medlib.med.utah.edu/masspec/mole.htm
Physical Science Reference Data
Radioactive Decay Calculator
Chemistry Calculators
Physical Science Reference Data
Calculators http://www.shef.ac.uk/chemistry/chemputer/
Isotope Patterns

Element percentages
Reaction yields (calculate your reaction yields) now testing!
Oxidation state of d-block metals in a complex
Electron accountancy for metals in a complex
VSEPR shape now testing!
MLXZ classification of an atom in a compound now testing!
101science.com Calculations and Conversions Page
Metric/SE conversion calculator

Carbon 14 Dating Calculator        Another - Carbon14 Dating Calculator

Radioactive calculator (below) 

Halflife Amount Time

The amount remaining is: or percent of the original sample.

Free JavaScripts provided
by The JavaScript Source


MUST HAVE!  TI-83 Plus BETTER!  TI-89 BEST!  Voyage 200

If you see a value, like pH, or pKa, then it's a log.  Otherwise it is most likely a powers of ten value.

Chemicals and Interactions

Quantitative Chemistry

Quantitative Chemistry
KS4-GCSE Quantitative Chemistry Calculations at Doc Brown's
Soil Quantitative Chemistry
Quantitative Chemistry Lab 251
chemical bonding -- Encyclopædia Britannica
Chapter 6. The Reliability of Data in Quantitative Chemistry
CHEM 230 Quantitative Chemistry

If you see a value, like pH, or pKa, then it's a log.  Otherwise it is most likely a powers of ten value.

States of Matter

Acids and Bases

Forensic Chemistry

Forensic Chemistry Network
What is Forensic Chemistry?
Carpenter's Forensic Science Resources: Forensic Chemistry and 
CHEMISTRY - Forensic Chemistry
SIUC - Forensic Chemistry Curriculum
SIUC Chemistry and Biochemistry - Forensic Chemistry
PEC235 Forensic Science at Murdoch University
Forensic Chemistry
HSC Forensic Chemistry Unit
Forensic Chemistry
Forensics In The Classroom

Kinetics and Thermodynamics

History of Chemistry

Great Chemists

Great Chemists who aren't dead white guys
Great Chemists Quiz!

Education World® : Science Center : Great Scientists

The Exponent
Mount Vernon Nazarene University - School of Natural and Social
late night opening chemists in cheshire QUICK, Information at NO
Chemists in Great Yarmouth UK - including Pharmacies in Great 
Find in a Library: Young chemists and great discoveries. | English 

See also


Undecylenic Acid, Mixture of Isomers, Chemistry Supplies and
Fenvalerate, Mixed Isomers, Chemistry Supplies and Laboratory
A and B Scott
Creative Chemistry Isomers
VirtualText of Organic Chemistry
Coordination Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Chemistry : Chapter 12 : Structural Isomers
Structural Isomers of Alkanes Tutorial
Science Line - Chemistry - If isomers have the same atoms in them


External links


Polymer Chemistry Glossary
Division of Polymer Chemistry - American Chemical Society
Swain Library: Polymer Chemistry Resources
The Macrogalleria - a cyberwonderland of polymer fun
Chemistry - Organic - Polymer Chemistry
Chemistry - Polymers
ETH - D-MATL - POLYCHEM - Polymer Chemistry


Definition of Biopolymers

Macromolecules (including proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides) formed by living organisms.
Definitions of Biopolymers on the Web: Definitions

  • Long-chain compounds composed of organic molecule subunits, for example plastics, that are synthesized by living organisms. Bioremediation: the use of biological organisms to render hazardous wastes non-hazardous or less hazardous.
  • Long chain molecules synthesised by living organisms eg proteins, cellulose and starch.
  • A biopolymer is a polymer found in nature. Starch, proteins and peptides, and DNA and RNA are all examples of biopolymers, in which the monomer units, respectively, are sugars, amino acids, and nucleic acids. The exact chemical composition and the sequence in which these units are arranged is called the polymer's primary structure. ...

Torsional relaxation for biopolymers
Importance of mutant position in Ramachandran plot for predicting
Andrzej Kolinski's Research Group : Home
Indiana Universtiy - Chemistry Library: Electronic Journals
Home Page - Lehrstuhl Biopolymere - Universität Bayreuth - [ Translate this page ]
[PDF] REU in Polymers and Biopolymers
Polysurfaces Bookstore - Biopolymers and Medical Applications
ITC Homepage
Optional cources of Second Cycle

Reaction Rates and Pathways

Outcomes Review Chapter 11
Rates of chemical reactions and the effects of temperature
Reaction rates
SN2 Reactions
Substitutions and Elimination Pathways
Honors Chemistry - Chapter 17 - Reaction Rates
Learn Chemistry - Chemistry Glossary Dictionary : QR - Qualitative
Foundations to Chemistry - adapted from "Chemistry, Matter and the
WH Freeman Publishers - Chemistry
Rates of Reaction


Internet Chemistry
Nuffield Advanced Chemistry - Redox reactions
How to Balance Redox Reactions
Redox Titration Definition - Chemistry
SparkNotes: SAT II Chemistry: Redox and Electrochemistry
[PDF] J. -5 -7 -9 Organoselenium Chemistry.' Redox Chemistry of
General Chemistry Refresher: Redox Reactions Calculator
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions: Redox


    Links to General Science Information

    NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    These are the space guys, of course, but they also provide lots of relevant information in all of the earth sciences, including satellite remote sensing and research in oceanography, meteorology and geology.

    Caliper® Corporation Home Page
    A corporate site with some cool free maps and information about GIS.

    Color/Colour Landform Atlas of the United States and Southern Canada
    Some excellent images of the United states by site includes Chromadepth and satellite images.

    (DEMs) Digital Elevation Models
    Real data you can download as well as GIS software for free.

    ESRI Data: Environmental Science Research Institute
    The Homepage of ESRI, makers of ARC INFO a very powerful GIS software lots of free stuff and information about GIS.

    GInfoServer: GIS-Software + -Shareware
    A German site with free GIS software you can download.

    GIS and maps
    A cool Chromadepth map of the world for your desktop plus real GIS data to download for free.

    HMWS: Historical Map Web Sites
    Online Historical Maps from the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas at Austin.

    Librorum Liberorum
    Lots of links, and all kinds of neat stuff to download including stories, articles about all kinds of science. Also includes mapmaking programs and other earth science, remote sensing and GIS type programs free to download.

    MMGISW: Map Maker - GIS for Windows
    A free GIS demo that you can download comes with instruction manuals.

    Maps and Mapping
    This Dutch guy loves maps, his webpage has links to more than 4750 sites about all aspects of " The Fascinating World of Maps and Mapping".

    NGDC/WDCA MGG-5Minute Gridded Elevation Data Search
    Online DEM generator from NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center.

    NIMA: National Imagery and Mapping Agency
    Formerly Defense Mapping Agency. Home page of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency.

    NYSD: NY Spatial Data
    GIS data available for downloading about New York State.

    UNEP GRID-Arendal
    Information from the United Nations Environment Programme with free data and lots of interesting articles.

    USGS NSDI Clearinghouse - Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
    A shaded relief image showing the topography of the continental USA plus real GIS data you can download from the US Geological Survey and links to other USGS sites.

    USGS: PAO Natural Features List
    Images about our natural world by the USGS.

    Welcome to Cornell University GIS Database server
    Online Geological and Geophysical Databases, Information, and GIS Map Server.

    WorldSat's Main Page
    A Canadian company that makes 3D Atlas available as a book or CD-ROM, cool posters and also has some cool images to download for free.

    The Ada Project - Science and Technology
    The Ada Project is a clearing house for information and resources related to women in computing.

    ScRe: Scientific Revolution (Grades 9-12)
    A lecture on the Scientific Revolution.

    ScMe: Scientific Method
    A in-depth definition of Scientific Method

Chemistry Week - http://www.chemweek.com/

Laboratory Work - Chemlab

Weights and Weighing Lab

College of Chemistry - University of California at Berkeley
College of Chemistry - University of California at Berkeley
Syvum: Chemistry : Molecular Weights of Chemical Compounds
Chemistry : Molecular Weights of Chemical Compounds
Consultant in metallurgy & chemistry
Bicentenary of atomic weights: John Dalton presented chemistry
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
PinkMonkey.com - Chemistry Study Guide -3.3 Atomic Weights of An 
Chemistry: WebElements Periodic Table : Periodic properties


"Doc Brown's Chemistry Clinic" Description:

A growing non-commercial general help and revision site for UK GCSE, AS and A2 CHEMISTRY and USA/Canada grades 9-12.  Revision notes, multiple choice tests, structured questions, graphics and extensive links to useful and interesting CHEMISTRY sites. One site speciallity is the structure and naming of organic compounds.
www.wpbschoolhouse.btinternet.co.uk/page02/page02.htm is a general LINKS PAGE with a sub-page of what I consider the top 20 PERIODIC TABLE sites.
www.wpbschoolhouse.btinternet.co.uk/page23/page23.htm is the page to explore when you have finished the tedious revision!
Site Speciallity: I've been developing a whole series of organic structure recognition and naming tests. The tests work on a random selection of 10 Q's from a data base of 40-140 molecules.  eg see www.wpbschoolhouse.btinternet.co.uk/page14/page14.htm (multiple choice) and
www.wpbschoolhouse.btinternet.co.uk/page15/page15.htm (type in name)
The aromatic naming tests are in the pipeline!
Dr Phil Brown
(i/c Chemistry, Whitby Community College, North Yorkshire, England)


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Laboratory Rubber Stopper Dimensions.


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Calc98, a free scientific, engineering, statistical and financial calculator for Windows and PocketPC.  Calc98 includes a vast range of units conversions, fundamental constants and physical property data, and other features including arbitrary base numbers, Roman numerals and a stopwatch feature and built-in Periodic Table of the Elements.


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Lange's Handbook of Chemistry   
We believe this edition of Lange to be a close-at-hand, bookshelf necessity for science students, chemists, chemical engineers, and for others whose sphere of interest intersects with that of chemistry.



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